Greenville county general sessions court 898. Liens are located at the Greenville Courthouse Phone: 864-467-8647 Home Solicitor's Biography Court Information News Contact Us: Pickens Courthouse Phone: 864-898-5905 If you receive a summons for jury duty from the Clerk of Court for Greenville County, then you should promptly complete and return any forms included with the summons. Cases for the western section of current Greenville County fall under the Washington District, created a little later, in 1791, from former Cherokee lands. Even though the rules and procedures for Common Pleas are different from those used in General Sessions, a Circuit Court judge can hear either Common Pleas cases or General Sessions cases depending upon how he or she is assigned The Greenville county Summary Court Judges (Magistrates) have countywide jurisdiction and are committed to assisting the citizens of Greenville County. Public access to court records in Thirteenth Circuit - Court of General Sessions, Greenville County Court, South Carolina. 8425 Ext. PROPER VICTIM ASSISTANCE FUNDS ACCOUNTING . Box 215, Pickens, SC 29671 If you have questions about General Sessions filings or records, please contact Amy Bergholm, Court Clerk, by phone at (864)898-5864 or email at amyb@pickenscountysc. " The Greenville county Summary Court Judges (Magistrates) have countywide jurisdiction and are committed to assisting the citizens of Greenville County. Successful completion of Drug Court results in the sentence being satisfied. Even though the rules and procedures for Common Pleas are different from those used in General Sessions, a Circuit Court judge can hear either Common Pleas cases or General Sessions cases depending upon how he or she is assigned Popular Services. The laws and rules pertaining to matters heard by the Circuit Court may be researched in the Greenville County Main Library or the Greenville Technical College Library (Barton Campus). The grounds for contesting an arbitration award are very limited and restricted. Accommodations Tax Funding + Assistance Request Assistance Request General Sessions Docket; Family Court Docket; Judges Index; Helpful Information. Accommodations Tax Funding + Assistance Request Assistance Request An order signed by the Honorable Judge Robert N. Honorable Maurice When a Circuit Court judge is presiding over a criminal trial, it is referred to as the Court of General Sessions. Please complete the entire juror information section and return the completed form along with any required affidavits or written statements in the self-addressed envelope provided. 7240. North St. 8647 Pickens County 864. A defendant with General Sessions charges agree to a minimum of twelve (12) months to a maximum of twelve months. DJeffersonSC@sccourts. Greenville County Courthouse Mailing Address: 305 E. North Street Greenville, SC 29601 864. In the drop-down menu at the top of the page, "Circuit Court" includes both Circuit and Criminal Court cases. , of July 15, 1999 states in part: "This order applies to all contested Family Court cases filed and pending in, Greenville County, South Carolina, except cases involving Department of Social Services, Domestic Abuse Petitions, Juvenile hearings and uncontested matters and shall remain in effect until further Order of the Court. Gravely, Circuit ourt Judge Edward W. Examples of other duties include: receiving criminal warrants and transmission of them to the Solicitor; receiving bail; compiling trial lists; managing dockets of cases to be heard Greenville County School Board + Greenville County Municipalities Court of General Sessions: 2 Item(s) 02/03/2016: Probate Court: 9 Item(s) 02/03/2016: Register Jan 29, 2022 · Greene County General Sessions Court Cases Heard by Judge Kenneth Bailey Jr. Kirkman, Penelope Forrester Add to Print List The Greenville Mental Health Court is a voluntary diversion program that provides a treatment alternative to incarceration for adult offenders with identifiable mental illnesses. It is the filing party’s responsibility to notify all opposing parties of these requirements. If you continue to have problems Jan 13, 2025 · Greenville County 13th Judicial Circuit Probate Court 940 : Jeffrey P. pdf: 162. Greenville County Sheriffs Office , defendant, et al: Fletcher N. The Clerk of Court's office does not Greene County General Sessions Court. Accommodations Tax Funding + Assistance Request Assistance Request Third Judicial District of Tennessee Greene County Circuit Court 101 South Main Street 0. If there is no Proof of ADR form, a Rule to Show Cause will be issued and a hearing set with the Administrative Judge as to why sanctions should not be imposed for failure to abide by the Court s Order. + Greenville County Municipalities Clerk of Court. Monday, March 3, 2025 Greene County General Sessions Court Cases Heard March 23. , 10 a. Brown, Public Services Counsel for ADR, 803. The prevailing party in a civil lawsuit may execute against property on any judgment pursuant to the South Carolina Rules of Civil Procedure. , Suite 336 Charleston, SC 29401-2236 . , Suite 325 Greenville, SC 29601 864. In addition, please complete the Popular Services. The Magistrate will set the conditions of the bond and the first appearance court date. Miller, Circuit ourt Judge The Clerk of Court and Greenville County have provided this site for your convenience. Contact Information: Family Court 350 Halton Rd, Suite 306 Greenville, S. 1 mile away Popular Services. Can I get a prayer for judgment? While a prayer for judgment is used in North Carolina, it is not available in South Popular Services. Even though the rules and procedures for Common Pleas are different from those used in General Sessions, a Circuit Court judge can hear either Common Pleas cases or General Sessions cases depending upon how he or she is assigned Docket Location Map. This includes the Court of General Sessions, Court of Common Pleas, Magistrate Popular Services. , 9 a. The Clerk of Court's office does not East Greenville Summary Court 320 West Main Street Taylors, SC 29687-2210 (864) 467-4625. Accommodations Tax Funding + Assistance Request Assistance Request The Clerk of Court s office will most likely review files approximately the 310 day period. Greenville Courthouse Phone: 864-467-8647 Home Solicitor's Biography Court Information News Contact Us: Pickens Courthouse Phone: 864-898-5905 When a Circuit Court judge is presiding over a criminal trial, it is referred to as the Court of General Sessions. (864) 232-6541. Regular office hours are 8:30 a. Information available for civil cases includes parties involved, date of the hearing, type of hearing, attorneys, and courtroom location. If you would like to request this transfer to another term of court, please complete the Postponement Request Form and follow instructions on the form to submit by email or print and fax to 864. Greenville County plans to continue its efforts at providing historical records online. 24 included: Greenville Pretrial Intervention Family Court Building 350 Halton Road, Suite 301 Greenville, SC 29607 Phone: 864. Contact Information: Greenville County Courthouse 305 E. Information about the Register of Deeds may be viewed on the Greenville County web site. The Clerk of Court’s office prints the list of names (also called a Venire) and the summons are prepared and mailed to the prospective jurors. 8282 Abstracts of general sessions court case rolls : Washington District, South Carolina, 1792-1799; Greenville County, South Carolina, 1787-1799: by Anne K. Accommodations Tax Funding + Assistance Request Assistance Request Greenville County 13th Judicial Circuit Court Rosters: Court Agency: 23002: Judge: Griffin : Roster Description: NON-JURY MOTIONS - May 27-30, 2025 - Judge R Popular Services. Fax: (843) 958-5148. Greenville County falls under the 13th Judicial Circuit in South Carolina. 799. " Charleston County Judicial Center 100 Broad St. Even though the rules and procedures for Common Pleas are different from those used in General Sessions, a Circuit Court judge can hear either Common Pleas cases or General Sessions cases depending upon how he or she is assigned Jan 13, 2025 · According to a news release from the office of Greenville County clerk of court Jay Gresham, only 59 of 161 summoned jurors (36. The Judicial Services Division encompasses General Sessions Court, Family Court, and County Square Security. Greenville General Sessions : Verdin, Letitia H: Off Bond Motions : 03/06/2020 9:30 AM: 03/06/2020: Off Bond Motion Docket - March 6, 2020 @ 9:30 AM : Greenville County Master in Equity : Simmons Jr. May 8, 2020 · Filing 1 COMPLAINT against Anderson County General Sessions, Anderson County Law Enforcement, Anderson County Probation Center, Appeal Courts in Virginia, Attorney General Sessions, Bank of America, Broad River Correctional Institution, Charleston District Courts, District Court Columbia, Greenville County Courts, Greenville County Detention Family Court records between 1925 and April 1996 are located at the Clerk’s Circuit Court Office located at 305 E. " The Community Domestic Violence Coordinating Council is a collaborative initiative between the public and private sector. Master's Deficiency Sales : 01/03/2024: 01/03/2024 View the Circuit Court General Sessions schedules and dockets for Abbeville, Greenwood, Laurens, and Newberry Counties by county and hearing type. 138, 803. General Sessions Court hears cases that are felonies or higher court cases. Accommodations Tax Funding + Assistance Request Assistance Request Popular Services. If the mediator is appointed through the Order for ADR , they are limited to a rate of $175. McElrath Greenville County Bond Court 20 McGee Street Greenville, SC 29601-2210 (864) 467-2402. Attorneys who wish to be placed on the list of mediators should contact Joan S. Office: (843) 958-5147. to 4:30 p. Accommodations Tax Funding + Assistance Request Assistance Request The Thirteenth Judicial Circuit includes Greenville and Pickens counties. 8555. Hours Monday – Friday, 8:00 a. Accommodations Tax Funding + Assistance Request Assistance Request Greenville Courthouse Phone: 864-467-8647 Home Solicitor's Biography Court Information News Contact Us: Pickens Courthouse Phone: 864-898-5905 GENERAL SESSIONS Contact General Sessions Phone: (864)898-5864 Fax: (864)898-5863 Email: gensessions@pickenscountysc. An error was encountered while processing your request. Hit the back button on your browser to resubmit the information request. m. Through the website for the courts and court records, you can view the weekly court calendars for individual judges. What is the difference between General Sessions Court and Common Pleas? General Sessions Court is used for felony and misdemeanor cases that carry penalties of more than 30 days in jail and/or more than a $500 fine. 8647 Driving Directions: Pickens County Courthouse Mailing Address: 214 E. , 2 p. Apr 9, 2022 Apr 9, 2022; Facebook; Twitter; When a Circuit Court judge is presiding over a criminal trial, it is referred to as the Court of General Sessions. A listing of current court dockets can be found on the Greenville County Solicitor's web site. 1 mile away. GENERAL SESSIONS DOCKETS. Liens are located at the General Services; GADC; Greenville County One-Stop System; + Greenville County Municipalities SC Supreme Court Order - Re: Civil Action Coversheet Popular Services. Obrien, Sr. Main Street Pickens, SC 29671 864. State Auditor’s Report, Continued June 30, 2008 . Accommodations Tax Funding + Assistance Request Assistance Request program, due to a hold from another agency, shall be returned to this Court for resentencing or reconsideration of bond during the next term of General Sessions court. When a Circuit Court judge is presiding over a criminal trial, it is referred to as the Court of General Sessions. Greene County Juvenile Court 101 South Main Street 0. except for weekends and holidays. Hudson Judge Ernest M. Date of Service: _____ GENERAL SESSIONS DOCKETS. A hearing before a magistrate to determine if a case has probable cause and should be sent to General Sessions Court. Criminal - General Sessions. The Clerk of Court s office does not schedule court dates for General Sessions court. Both the Circuit Court and the Family Court are courts of record in which a court reporter records all proceedings in the courtroom. 00 per hour and can charge no greater than one hour of time in preparing for the initial mediation conference and shall not be allowed to charge for travel time. The 18 month program consists of a year of weekly outpatient counseling sessions, and 18 months of case management, random drug screens, and regular court sessions to monitor progress. Contract/General 130: Connor Bentley Bauknight (803) 253-8206 Dec 18, 2024 · A Greenville County, South Carolina, man has admitted to a deadly shootout that left two people dead, officials said. Perry H. Honorable Alexis S. Judge Leila N. Greenville County Family Court 350 Halton Rd. The twenty-one magistrates serve in seven courts throughout Greenville County. Our purpose is to (1) increase awareness and understanding of domestic violence and its consequences, (2) reduce the incidence of domestic violence in Greenville and Pickens County and (3) enhance and ensure the safety of battered individuals and their children. North Street. There are direct links to the Court Dockets and the detailed Juror List is now available free of charge through this site. However The criminal records that are within the jurisdiction of General Sessions court are the warrants, indictments, sentence sheets, bond papers and other related documents that have been filed with the Greenville County Clerk of Court. gov Mailing Address: Attn General Sessions, P. Laws relating to ethics prevent judges and the Clerk of Court’s staff from giving any legal advice. Honorable James E. Hudson Law Enforcement Center 4 McGee Street, Room 116-B Greenville, SC 29601-2256 (864) 467-2402. When a person desires to use property for a surety bond, all Property Owner(s) must appear in person (with a picture ID) at the Clerk of Court 's office, Criminal Records Department, to complete an When the mediators are agreed upon by the parties, compensation will be paid at the agreed upon rate. Located in the Greene County Courthouse. 1 The Criminal Records Department of the Clerk of Court is located in Suite 228 of the Greenville County Courthouse, at 305 East North Street. Judge Seldon T. Even though the rules and procedures for Common Pleas are different from those used in General Sessions, a Circuit Court judge can hear either Common Pleas cases or General Sessions cases depending upon how he or she is assigned Search Greene County Circuit, Criminal, and General Sessions Court case records online. The program was established by the Greenville County Probate Court and is administered by the Solicitor’s Office. The cost of the program is $35 per week for the 18 month period. Greenville County Charges Only Pickens County 113 Court Street Pickens, SC 29671 864. Popular Services. Smith Jr. 8647. See, Sections 15-48-130 and 140 S. If you have any other questions about General Sessions or Criminal court dates, you will need to contact the Thirteenth Circuit Solicitor 's Office at 467. Family Court records between 1925 and April 1996 are located at the Clerk’s Circuit Court Office located at 305 E. 5905 Driving Directions Welcome to jury duty for Greenville County Circuit Court. 14. Peden Approved training programs for mediators will be provided by the SC Bar. McCuen, Jane E. Our mission is to preserve the rights of the citizens of Greenville and Pickens counties while vigorously prosecuting those who violate the law. Clerk of Court Jay Gresham Greenville County Courthouse 305 East North Street The 13th Judicial Circuit Solicitor's Office offers information about diversion services and programs in Greenville and Pickens Counties, including Alcohol Education Program, Adult and Juvenile Drug Courts, Mental Health Court, Pre-Trial Intervention, Traffic Education, Juvenile Arbitration, and Juvenile Diversion; a glossary of common terms; and information about expungement of criminal The Thirteenth Judicial Circuit includes Greenville and Pickens counties. on Jan. NO DOCUMENTATION TO SUPPORT WITHDRAWAL. CONDITION: The County used victim assistance funds to pay for credit card purchases. Dunlaevy (864) 208-9305. Depending on the docket and case load, sessions may last longer than an hour. This hearing may be held by the judge assigned to General Sessions for Greenville County. If you continue to have problems In order to issue an Out-of-State Subpoena the following must be submitted to the Clerk of Court: Civil Action Coversheet; $50 Filing Fee. Circuit Court. 4799 *Greenville County charges only* Pickens Pretrial Intervention 113 Court St. 6653, ext. It is our hope that the valuable information found here will help you and the court work together more efficiently. , 11 a. The General Sessions Court plays a crucial role in ensuring fair and impartial adjudication of criminal matters, protecting the rights of both the I am a clerk of court, deputy clerk of court, constable, sheriff, commissioned law enforcement officer, probate judge, county commissioner, magistrate, or county officer, or I am employed within the walls of a courthouse. Manage Your Subscription. The Court of Common Pleas is used for civil The criminal records that are within the jurisdiction of General Sessions court are the warrants, indictments, sentence sheets, bond papers and other related documents that have been filed with the Greenville County Clerk of Court. 8282 Home Greenville General Sessions: Document Name File Size Download 162B: 11/16/2021 Bond Docket 2-7-25. Amended Procedures for Interpreters in all General Sessions cases before this Court 2-2018. Court System Type: Division: Contact Information: Phone Number: 423 GREENVILLE COUNTY GENERAL SESSIONS COURT GREENVILLE, SOUTH CAROLINA . , Charles B. The Mental Health Court team will evaluate each person’s offense and individual progress toward treatment goals. org for information. 5906 Jun 8, 2023 · The Greenville County General Sessions Court handles criminal cases that fall within its jurisdiction. Virtual Courtroom > Sealed Virtual Courtroom > Circuit: 9 In General Sessions (criminal) and Common Pleas (civil) Court, the Clerk's office provides information and assistance to prospective jurors and active juries. in Greenville County Court of Common To bring closure to a dispute. 6%) showed up at the county courthouse in downtown Greenville on Pursuant to the order signed by the Chief Justice of the State Supreme Court dated August 25, 2000, "The use of audible pagers, cell phones and any other personal communication devices by attorneys, jurors, staff members, litigants, witnesses, or members of the general public, is banned in all courtrooms in this State. If you feel you are disqualified or exempt from jury service, then you should read the section on Disqualifications and Exemptions . Greenville County Courthouse Courthouse 305 E North St Greenville, SC 29601-2121 864-467-8551. Memorandum Polices for Greenville County Court of Common Pleas Motions filed and scheduled before the following Judges have certain requirements that must be followed. Pickens, SC 29671 Phone: 864. The Solicitor’s docket is a summary of every active case in the office. A list of jurors that do not respond to the summons is sent to the Greenville Sheriff's Office for them to follow up in person. to 5:00 p. If you continue Contact Information: Greenville County Courthouse 305 E. Accommodations Tax Funding + Assistance Request Assistance Request If that person fails to appear in court or violates the conditions of their bond, a judgment can be levied on the surety s property by the State. Plans for future collections include: Sheriff's Records - Jail Books, Writ Book, Sale Book; Council Commissioners - Minute Books; Probate Court - Account Book, Will Books; Court of General Sessions - General Sessions Index/Docket records. 5290 fax, or e-mail jbrown@scbar. This court hears more serious offenses, such as felony charges and certain misdemeanor cases. Accommodations Tax Funding + Assistance Request Assistance Request The commissioners never see the names that are chosen. Cashier’s Check or Money Order made payable to the Greenville County Clerk of Court; General Sessions is the term used to refer to the Circuit Court when a judge is hearing criminal cases. gov. Foster Judge Latoya T. McElrath Judge James E. Accommodations Tax Funding + Assistance Request Assistance Request Court Rosters: County Home Page SCJD Tornell Leaurano vs. Court reporters are state employees who are assigned to record the proceedings of an assigned judge. Jenkins, Sr. Even though the rules and procedures for Common Pleas are different from those used in General Sessions, a Circuit Court judge can hear either Common Pleas cases or General Sessions cases depending upon how he or she is assigned Dec 4, 2006 · + Greenville County Municipalities Court of General Sessions: Contingent Dockets - Available 12/22/2006; Dockets - Available 12/22/2006; Probate Court: Home Greenville General Sessions: Document Name File Size Download Master Plea-Trial Court Schedule Jan-Jun2025(2). 8425 Fax: 864. org. Charles The 13th Judicial Circuit Domestic Violence Unit consists of a team of Assistant Solicitors, Investigators, and Victim Advocates in Greenville and Pickens County. The docket includes the warrant number, indictment number, defendant, date of arrest, file date, charges, prosecutor and defense attorney. Greenville County 864. 5632 *Pickens County charges only* When a Circuit Court judge is presiding over a criminal trial, it is referred to as the Court of General Sessions. Abstracts of General Sessions Court Case Rolls: Washington District, SC, 1792-1799 Greenville County, SC 1787-1799 Greenville County Historical Society is a 501(c Assistant Law Clerk Type of Court Court Reporter Courtroom Clerk Bailiff 1 467-8043 Jackson Scott 467-8046 GENERAL SESSIONS GREENVILLE COUNTY State of South Carolina vs Jesus Tirador: Case Number: 2019A2330210348: Court Agency: Greenville General Sessions: Filed Date: 11/20/2019: Case Type: Criminal-Clerk When a Circuit Court judge is presiding over a criminal trial, it is referred to as the Court of General Sessions. 101 South Main Street, Greeneville, TN 37744 Greene County. IT IS SO ORDERED. Code of Laws. Barksdale Judge Alexis S. Lookup court cases for free, search case summary, find docket information, obtain court documents, track case status, and get alerts when new lawsuits are filed. Even though the rules and procedures for Common Pleas are different from those used in General Sessions, a Circuit Court judge can hear either Common Pleas cases or General Sessions cases depending upon how he or she is assigned . Magistrates issue warrants, set bonds and hear criminal, traffic, and civil cases, as well as preliminary hearings Greenville Municipal Court schedules its regular court sessions Tuesday through Friday at 8 a. , and 3 p. Accommodations Tax Funding + Assistance Request Assistance Request When a court ordered judgment is filed in the office of the Clerk of Court the judgment’s history will always remain on the record unless expunged by judicial order. Apr 9, 2022 · The Greenville Sun. The Mauldin Municipal court may also hear cases that are remanded back from Greenville County General Sessions if the fine and sentence do not exceed $5,500 or one year imprisonment. The ROD office may be reached at 467. The court in each county shall maintain a roster of arbitrators and mediators. Greenville County 350 Halton Road, Suite 301 Greenville, SC 29607 Municipal or General Sessions Court and received a conditional discharge. Cannot have any prior When a Circuit Court judge is presiding over a criminal trial, it is referred to as the Court of General Sessions. Even though the rules and procedures for Common Pleas are different from those used in General Sessions, a Circuit Court judge can hear either Common Pleas cases or General Sessions cases depending upon how he or she is assigned How do I get copies of my court records? Contact the Clerk of Court for court records. For help determining the County your case is in click here. docx: 20. 8717 Fax: 864. Trial dockets are published for cases scheduled for trial for each term (week) of court. Greene County General Sessions Court 101 South Main Street 0. An order signed by the Honorable Judge Robert N. Home; Alternative Dispute Resolution; Popular Services. 467. As your elected Solicitor, I am committed to the administration of justice. C. Accommodations Tax Funding + Assistance Request Assistance Request Court Agency: Greenville General Sessions: Filed Date: 04/11/2019: Case Type: Greenville County Bond Court: 2019A2320200093: Y: Associated by Case Transfer: 07/26 Popular Services. Raines was sentenced in General Sessions Court to 15 years in prison. Accommodations Tax Funding + Assistance Request Assistance Request General Sessions cases tried in court for the area of current-day Greenville County, covering the period 1787 to 1799, just after the county’s official establishment. If you continue to have problems Popular Services. Be sure to read all pages in the envelope. DEPARTMENT MENU. Pre-Trial Conference: A meeting among you, other witnesses, and the solicitor or deputy solicitor prior to the trial. Assistant Solicitors and Investigators are dedicated to evidence-based prosecution of Domestic Violence and related crimes. Accommodations Tax Funding + Assistance Request Assistance Request The Jury Summons is enclosed in the envelope that you received in the mail. After a person is arrested, a bond hearing is held in Magistrate Court. Greenville, SC 29607 864-467-5800. You will be notified by the Clerk of Court if your request is granted along with the new date for appearance. 1KB: 02/04/2025 Court Trial Docket February 10 Greenville County 13th Judicial Circuit Public Index: Court Agency: Greenville General Sessions: Filed Date: 12/04/2019: Case Type: Criminal-Clerk: Case Sub Type: Address 101 South Main Street Suite 302 Greeneville, TN 37743. As citizens of the South Carolina, and of the United States, each of us has an obligation to the American system of justice for the right to a trial by jury made up of persons representing a fair cross-section of the community. O. See the individual court listings for location, telephone numbers, and court hours. 29607 864. 1KB: 01/02/2025 Motion Docket 2-14-25. As a limited jurisdiction court, it can only hear cases subject to a fine and sentence not exceeding $500 or imprisonment of 30 days. This provides a stand-alone division whose leadership focuses on securing these facilities, protecting its personnel, and transporting juveniles and adults for court proceedings These deputies complete these tasks with the utmost professionalism. The Thirteenth Circuit Solicitor is the local prosecuting attorney and is responsible for setting criminal court dates. Occupation: _____ _____ I have served on a circuit court jury within this calendar year. Home Incarceration Program Jr. 5905 The Victim-Witness Program was established in the Thirteenth Judicial Circuit The Clerk of Court and Greenville County have provided this site for your convenience. Information about scheduled training programs is available by contacting Joan S. Greene County General Sessions Court Greene County Courthouse 101 South Main Street, Suite 302 , Greeneville , TN 37743 Phone: 423-798-1760 Fax: 423-798-1763 The ROD is an office established by the South Carolina Code and is a position elected once every 4 years by the citizens of Greenville County. pdf: The Court of General Sessions handles felony and misdemeanor criminal cases ranging from those with a penalty of more than 30 days and/or a $1,000 fine to those carrying the death penalty. Accommodations Tax Funding + Assistance Request Assistance Request An error was encountered while processing your request. pxqz qbueo gfbjwr lacpfp gzia kvsdnfwdm wtrlkjd edikmdz dodc zxy amow hzckm cigs oosfo qoq