Manatee county sheriff. Phone Number: (941)747-3011 ext.

Manatee county sheriff The Child Protection Investigation Division is dedicated to the safety of children as well as the investigation of abuse, neglect, abandonment, and exploitation of children. The auto body shop is a top-notch facility and serves as a training ground for inmates with an interest in vehicle body work. Suite 202 Bradenton, Fl 34205 To contact the False Alarm Reduction Unit, please call Anyone with information about this case is asked to contact the Manatee County Sheriff’s Office at (941) 747-3011. com; For more information, please Accreditation Team Invited Public Comments About the Manatee County Sheriff's Office Read More. The Tactical Investigations Unit is comprised of the following components; Narcotics, Vice, and Prescription Fraud. Approximately 1,600 people visit these buildings daily. The Strategic Investigations Unit is comprised of Narcotics Trafficking and Organized Crime Component and Drug K-9. All statistics reflect the information provided to the Florida Department of Law Enforcement for the Uniform Crime Report (UCR). All Manatee County Sheriff's Office Crime Prevention deputies are required to achieve the designation of "Florida Crime Prevention Practitioner" by completing core courses offered through the Florida Attorney General's Crime Prevention Training Institute . Manatee County Sheriff’s Office / District 3 616 67th St. The Manatee County Sheriff’s Office Child Protection Investigations Division (CPID) is part of the Investigative Bureau. Manatee County Administration Building 1112 Manatee Avenue West Bradenton, FL 34205 (941) 748-4501 [email protected] The Manatee County Sheriff’s Office's pursuit of excellence demands an extensive hiring process to ensure we only recruit the finest talent. A valid government-issued ID is required. Online inquiries for persons booked into the Manatee County Jail are available for persons currently incarcerated and persons released within the last 90 days. Manatee County Sheriff's Office App; Jail. 1 day ago · Workers’ Compensation Fraud/Unlicensed Contractor Operation March 10, 2025. May 30, 2002 · Crime Stoppers utilizes modern technology to acquire anonymous online crime tips. Each team member keeps himself/herself available on a 24 hour basis by telephone, radio, or pager. Manatee County Sheriff's Office Facility Supervisors or a designee reserves the right to cancel, deny, or terminate a remote video visitation without notice. Box 247 Phoenix, MD 21131. PDF format. The computerized system generates names of employees who display a pattern of pre-determined behavioral indicator. fl. m. This section has a state-of-the-art Automated Fingerprint Identification System (AFIS) system that electronically compares and searches fingerprint databases. Maintain order and decorum in the courtroom and the premises of both the Manatee County Judicial Center and Historic Courthouse. The Manatee County Sheriff’s Office is committed to maintaining a cadre of highly trained, disciplined, and motivated deputies, who are specifically equipped and available to respond to crisis incidents. IF THIS IS AN EMERGENCY, DIAL 9-1-1 All reports submitted online are subject to public release per Florida Statute §119. Any violation will result in temporary suspension or loss of remote video visitation privileges. Whether you're eyeing a civilian role or seeking to become a certified law enforcement or corrections deputy, you'll find positions tailored to match your skills and ambitions. 2260 or by calling 911 for emergencies. O. (closed between 12 and 1 p. The Manatee County Sheriff’s Office Marine Unit was established as a full-time unit in 1987 by then-Sheriff Charles B. The Manatee County Jail houses pre-trial, pre-sentenced, county and state sentenced males and females, as well as juvenile offenders who have been adjudicated as adults. It is the policy of the Manatee County Sheriff's Office to patrol in a proactive manner, to aggressively investigate suspicious persons and circumstances, and to actively enforce the laws. The Mounted Unit provides specialized law enforcement patrol duties when needed to fulfill the objectives and goals of the Manatee County Sheriff's Office. Canines are used for searching wanted or fleeing suspects; apprehending fleeing suspects; crowd control; and public relations demonstrations for local schools and community organizations. Find the address, phone number, and hours of operation of the Manatee County Sheriff's Office and its districts. From sanding to applying paint, inmates receive hands-on experience repairing county-owned cars and trucks. Learn more about each bureau in the Sub Menu. Sheriff Wells was born in Tampa, Florida, moving to Manatee County in 1978. Twitter link Facebook link YouTube link Instagram link Manatee County Sheriff's Office App; Jail. Palmetto, FL 34221. Seven days a week, twenty-four hours a day. The Unit is responsible for approximately 150 miles of coastal shoreline patrol, as well as nearly 9,000 acres of freshwater lakes and ponds. The latent print examiners compare prints lifted from crime scenes and other evidence to determine if prints belong to the suspect. Current Openings The Manatee County Sheriff’s Office utilizes volunteers to their potential by allowing them to work alongside agency personnel. This tool is available 24/7 and only requires basic information to perform a search. The Manatee County Sheriff's Office hosts a Citizens Law Enforcement Academy once a year. With that, volunteer applicants undergo an application process similar to that used when hiring civilian employees. The section is tasked with investigation of person’s related crimes to include homicide, robbery, sexual battery and assaults. The Records Section, as the "historian" of the agency, receives, maintains, preserves, and retrieves all records, files, and other legally required papers maintained by the agency, other than personnel records. ettedgui@manateesheriff. 2581 EMAIL:Sidney. Manatee County Sheriff’s Office / District 2 3500 9th Street West, Bradenton, FL 34205. It is the Florida Department of Law Enforcement's desire that the information contained herein be accurate and reliable. Current Openings At the Manatee County Sheriff’s Office, we know that benefits play a big role in your choice of employer, so we created a benefits package as exceptional as the employees we cover. , Ste 202 Bradenton, FL 34205. To remain anonymous and be eligible for a cash reward, you can contact Manatee County Crime Stoppers at (866) 634-TIPS or visit ManateeCrimeStoppers. By working together, we have been able to provide academic classes to raise inmates' basic literacy rate and help prepare them for the GED. Related Links: Manatee County CrimeStoppers Originating and dissemination of press releases, media requests for information on Sheriff's Office activities that may be of public interest are some of the duties of the PIO. Current Openings The Manatee County Sheriff's Office Prohibits Bias Policing We are here to protect the community. Click on the links below to access the information. This Unit has the tedious job of gathering intelligence data, developing, maintaining, administering, interpreting and disseminating this information throughout the Division, the Manatee County Sheriff's Office and other outside law enforcement agencies. Jun 2, 2023 · Accreditation Team Invited Public Comments About the Manatee County Sheriff's Office. The Operations Division consists of 189 certified positions and 92 civilian positions and includes four squads of Corrections Deputies and CRO's who are responsible for the care, custody, and control of approximately 1300 inmates housed in the pods. com or by calling (941) 747-3011 Ext 2278. Search for arrest records of persons booked into the Manatee County Jail within the last 90 days. The MCSO Chemistry Unit applies analytical techniques to perform forensic testing on unknown substances, such as powders, tablets, liquids, or plant material, which have been seized and collected by the Sheriff’s Office and local law enforcement agencies operating within Manatee County. W. Find links to contact the records section, the clerk of court, and the Florida Department of Law Enforcement for more information. The Investigative Bureau consists of three divisions: Special Investigations Division The training center is located at 14490 B Harlee Road, Palmetto, FL 34221. The Crimes Against Children Section is comprised of highly trained and dedicated detectives assigned to three units. The School Resource Officers are responsible for law enforcement, mentoring and formal counseling, classroom teaching, and providing a positive role model for the students. Jail Information; Mail Guidelines; Inmate Phone Service; Inmate Visitation; Intake & Release; Charges & Bond; First Appearance; Inmate Activities; Inmate Money; Release of Inmate Property; Prison Rape Elimination Act (PREA) PREA Reports & Statistics; PREA Reporting Form; Careers. W,. The Academy courses are designed to give participants a working knowledge of the Manatee County Sheriff's Office and the criminal justice system. The unit also has the additional responsibility of bloodstain analysis, serial number restoration, and examinations for trace evidence utilizing state-of- the-art forensic laser techniques. Since that time, there has often been a Post organized under the sheriff. Below is a listing of MCSO Fiscal Audit reports Document Center. Inmates are only allowed to receive; POSTCARDS from family/friends. com. Jan 23, 2025 · Anyone with information is urged to contact the Manatee County Sheriff’s Office at (941) 747-3011. 941-747-3011 Ext. to 4 p. Inmate property can be released to family or friends after an inmate completes a property release form specifying the intended recipient. Cadets (Post 61) The first Explorer Post at the Manatee County Sheriff's Office was formed in 1959, under Sheriff Roy Baden. Originating and dissemination of press releases, media requests for information on Sheriff's Office activities that may be of public interest are some of the duties of the PIO. By Phone: (941) 747-3011 Manatee County Sheriff's Office App; Jail. Responsibilities include the investigation of organized crime, illegal trafficking of controlled substances and RICO investigations. Randy Warren or a person representing the unit is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week for response to media inquiries concerning the Sheriff's Office. See the directory of units and services provided by the office. By Phone: (941) 747-3011 Ext. The series of 11 classes on various law enforcement topics encourages discussion. Large Animal Complaints (Agricultural Deputy) 941-747-3011 x 1150. Sign In. , Bradenton from 8 a. For a complete list of services and details, please see the links on the left. In order to meet this objective, the following policy statements are promulgated to serve as goals in the day-to-day operation of the agency. The Mission of the Property and Evidence Section (P&E) is to accept, catalog, safeguard, store, and produce evidence as required for court, as well as return to owner or otherwise legally dispose of property and evidence received into the custody of the Manatee County Sheriff’s Office. Intake and Release Process Individuals who have been placed under arrest are first transported to the Central Jail, which is located at the Main Jail at 14470 Harlee Road, Palmetto. Online Resources. Learn more about each program on the left. They assist victims of crime throughout Manatee County, regardless of which law enforcement agency is investigating the case. The COPS Units provide Community Oriented Policing to the designated Weed and Seed areas of the county and other specialized patrol functions as required. Employee of the Month The Sheriff's Office Investigation Bureau is where most felony crimes and other intricate matters are investigated. Before filing a police report online, you must verify you meet the criteria listed below: The Manatee County Sheriff's Office offers many services to the public including off-duty employment of deputies, the processing of public records requests, and fingerprinting for background checks. Sheriff Bio The Victim Advocate Unit consists of six victim advocates, an administrative assistant, and a supervisor. Employee of the Month The School Resource Officer Program assigns a full-time Deputy Sheriff to each Manatee County high school and middle school. for lunch). The people featured on this site may not have been convicted of the charges or crimes listed and are presumed innocent until proven guilty. My staff is available if you need a personal follow-up. Jun 02, 2023 . Letters are NOT acceptable. We aim to equip our employees with all the tools necessary for both professional success and personal well-being so they can lead a healthy, fulfilled, and well Manatee County Sheriff’s Office Records Section 600 301 Boulevard West, Suite 202 Bradenton, Florida 34205 Office Hours: Monday-Friday, from 8:00am-5:00pm. The Manatee County Sheriff's Office mobile application is an interactive app developed to help improve communication with area residents. 1937 or 1938 or FDLE by phone at (888) 357-7332 or via email to sexpred@fdle. Information about an arrestee's charge(s) and bond is available by clicking the Arrest Inquiry Link on our home page, by calling (941) 723-5132, or by visiting the Central Jail Front Desk, which is open 7:00 AM - 5:30 PM, located in the lobby of the Central Jail, 14470 Harlee Road, Palmetto, Florida. It is designed to bring the uniformed deputy and the community closer together. Manatee County Government; Manatee County School Board; Manatee County Tax Collector; Manatee County Chamber of Commerce; Manatee County Public Libraries; Manatee County Supervisor of Elections; Manatee County Clerk of Court; Police Athletic League of Manatee County; Turning Points; Manasota 211; Family Resources; State. He graduated from Manatee High School in 1982; attended Manatee Junior College, and has an Associate of Science degree in Criminal Justice Administration from Columbia Southern University. Qualification is limited to Manatee County residents and ammunition is not provided. - Five unlicensed contractors were arrested by the Manatee County Sheriff’s Office. Supervisor of Elections. . Bomb Disposal, an ever-increasingly important part of the agency, is composed of trained deputies normally attached to the Enforcement Bureau that respond to and render explosive devises safe and provide guidelines, training and assistance to department personnel responding to explosive ordinance calls. They must also achieve and maintain current Instructor Certification status. This program evaluates corrections operations against the Commission's strict standards, a process that helps agency staff identify and remedy deficiencies while upgrading the overall Manatee County Sheriff's Office App; Jail. Law Enforcement The Corrections Bureau consists of a wide array of services and components that provide the basic care and custodial services for every person arrested. Any person who believes information provided is not accurate should contact the Manatee County Sheriff's Office at 941-747-3011 Ext. Sheriff Rick Wells said the suspect who ran from the scene is Manatee County Sheriff's Office App; Jail. Current Openings Manatee Sheriff's Charity, Inc. 2022-2023 Manatee County Sheriff's Office Explorers and Jr. The following is a list of the crime statistics for the Manatee County Sheriff's Office. We typically bring new team members on board within an efficient timeframe of about one month, tailoring our process to accommodate applicant schedules. Jail Information; Mail Guidelines; Inmate Phone Service; Inmate Visitation; Intake & Release; Charges & Bond; First Appearance; Mar 1, 2025 · Manatee County Sheriff's Office. Although non-essential functions are suspended, deputies will still be working and the public can reach us on our non-emergency line at 941-747-3011 Ext. We accept walk-ins Monday-Friday at the MCSO Operations Center Main entrance located at 600 301 Blvd. Current Openings Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design, or CPTED (pronounced sep-ted), is defined as the proper design and effective use of the built environment that can lead to a reduction in the fear and incidence of crime, and an improvement of the quality of life. Deputy of the Month - April 2023 Read More. Current Openings It is my privilege to serve you as Sheriff of Manatee County. Jail Information; Mail Guidelines; Inmate Phone Service; Inmate Visitation; Intake & Release; Charges & Bond; First Appearance; By Cash Kiosk: go to the Visitation Center located at 2705 County Line Road, Palmetto FL 34221 between 7:45 AM and 7:30 PM. Follow Us. The Manatee County Sheriff's Office offers many services to the public including off-duty employment of deputies, the processing of public records requests, and fingerprinting for background checks. The Mounted patrol is made up of individual employees who own horses and are willing to ride as agency representatives in various events, functions, and incidents. Current Openings The Administration Bureau performs the many tasks that keep the daily routines functioning and without whom the day-to-day operations of the Manatee County Sheriff's Office would come to a halt. They enjoy the challenge and excitement offered by law enforcement, as well as the satisfaction of providing worthwhile community service. Certified and Academy Recruit Applicants: The Manatee County Sheriff’s Office Unmanned Aerial System (UAS) program is designed to assist law enforcement by providing increased situational awareness, enhanced officer safety, and act as a force multiplier to improve operating efficiency. Sheriff Wells has more than 33 years experience in law enforcement. Current Openings From educating young drivers, to offering support to crime victims and teaching inmates skills to gain future employment, the Manatee County Sheriff's Office has a variety of programs that support our mission. Accreditation Team Invited Public Comments About the Manatee County Sheriff's Office Read More. com Updates: Completed PREA Audits: July 28, 2023 – Passed. You do not have to identify yourself, and may be eligible for a cash reward. The Manatee County Sheriff’s Office is committed to a policy of equal employment opportunity for applicants and employees that fosters, maintains and promotes equal employment opportunity for all without regard to race, color, religion, national origin, citizenship, sex, political affiliation, veteran’s status, age, genetic information Manatee County Sheriff's Office App; Jail. Magazines, books & newspapers: (Inmate’s Full Name)/Booking Number Manatee County Central Jail 14470 Harlee Road Palmetto, FL 34221. Public visitation at the Manatee County Central Jail is also suspended all day Tuesday - Thursday (also subject to change). The information and photos presented on this site have been collected from the websites of County Sheriff's Offices or Clerk of Courts. Current Openings Please ONLY use this form to report a traffic violation you have witnessed or you may call the 24-hour traffic hotline @ 941-723-5197 If you wish to report a boating violation you have witnessed, please call the 24 hour Marine Unit Boating Safety hotline @ 941-744-3730 or you may fill out the Boating Safety Complaint form Manatee County Sheriff's Office App; Jail. The Fiscal Department is responsible for preparing the agency’s annual budget for submission to the Manatee County Board of County Commissioners. It also features the latest news, arrests, and awards of the agency. Audit performed by Brad Harvey. ) Manatee County Jail Inmate Search. The Manatee County Sheriff’s Office remains dedicated to providing the highest standard of service to our 9 hours ago · BRADENTON, Fla. 2707 Fax: 941-729-9328 Manatee County Sheriff's Office App; Jail. Dec 27, 2024 · Manatee County Sheriff's deputies tracked down the other suspect, who was arrested about four blocks from the scene, using K-9 units. The media kit includes background information on the Sheriff's Office and tools such as MCSO's media policy, in . Property may only be released when the property form has been signed by the inmate. UPDATE 12/27/24 2:15 PM: The Special Programs Enforcement and Compliance Component is responsible for the tracking of designated sexual predators and offenders within the geographical confines of Manatee County, community notification and education regarding sexual predators, and all activities required by law regarding agency compliance in dealing with sexual predators and offenders. Hours of Operation: Monday – Friday, 8:00 a. The UAS team enhances officer and public safety. No claims to the accuracy of this information are made. The chat was between a suspect from Bradenton and a victim residing in Utah and included a conversation of a sexual nature. Your participation in this survey will help us accomplish this goal. Visit us: District #1 - 600 301 Blvd W, #178, Bradenton (Operations Center, lobby open 8:00 a. com A proper relationship fostered by confidence and trust between the Manatee County Sheriff's Office and the citizens of Manatee County is essential to effective law enforcement. Current Openings Reserve Deputy Sheriffs are part-time, volunteer Deputy Sheriffs. - 5:00 p. 600 301 Blvd. Once MCSO receives the information you are choosing to supply to this agency, MCSO is required to retain it as a public record, subject to being inspected or copied upon request of any person or entity. Responsibilities include the enforcement of the illegal sale, use and possession of narcotics. www. The Manatee County Sheriff’s Office Corrections Bureau was first accredited by the FCAC in 2011 and was subsequently re-accredited every three years since then. For any other questions and/or to schedule a date and time for qualification, contact the Training Section at 941-747-3011x2707 or Training@manateesheriff. To obtain reports for these arrests, please contact the records section of the arresting agency. Document Center Manatee County Sheriff's Office App; Jail. The kiosk accepts credit cards and cash in increments of $5 and above (no $1 bills). Find out his education, career, honors, affiliations and contact information. Sheriff's Office. , in the presence of family, friends, and colleagues. Manatee County Sheriff’s Office: (941) 747-3011 Bradenton Police Department: (941) 932-9300 Manatee County Sheriff's Office App; Jail. Circle E Manatee County Sheriff's Office c/o False Alarm Reduction Unit 600 301 Blvd. UPDATE 12/09/20: Detectives have positively identified the victim found dead inside a trash can in the Windmill Manor Mobile Home Park as Jon Christopher Leonard (DOB: 11/13/1980). Learn about Sheriff Wells, the elected leader of the Manatee County Sheriff's Office since 2016. The function of the Professional Standards Section is to foster this relationship and provide citizens with a fair and effective means for lodging legitimate complaints Florida State Statute 365. - 4:00 p. The Document Center provides easy access to public documents. Wells. Current Openings The Manatee County Sheriff's Office Crime Prevention Unit (941) 747-3011 Ext. Screen persons entering the Manatee County Judicial Center and Historic Courthouse for weapons, contraband, and other unauthorized items. (closed weekends and holidays) To request the information by mail, write to: Manatee County Sheriff’s Office Records Section 600 301 Boulevard West, Suite 202 Bradenton, Florida 34205 Manatee County Sheriff’s Office Attn: Civil 600 301 Blvd W. The official website of the Manatee County Sheriff's Office provides information about programs, services, jail, careers, media, and contact. Manatee County Sheriff's Office Operations Center 600 Highway 301 Boulevard West Bradenton, FL 34205 View Map. Jun 01 600 Highway 301 Boulevard West Bradenton FL. Use this website for informational purposes only. The Manatee County Sheriff's Office provides a convenient online inmate search tool that allows the public to locate inmates currently housed in the Manatee County Jail. In 1998, the Manatee County Sheriff's Office reorganized the Special Investigations Division in an effort to aggressively suppress illegal narcotics trafficking being conducted in Manatee County. The Manatee County Sheriff’s Office is committed to maintaining a cadre of highly trained, disciplined, and motivated deputies, who are specifically equipped and available to respond to critical and/or high-risk incidents, seven days a week, twenty-four hours a day. The Manatee County Sheriff’s Office (MCSO) is a public agency subject to Florida public records law as codified in Chapter 119, Florida Statutes. 2260 (to report a crime or incident) For all emergencies, call 911. Audit performed by Lynni O’Haver. Among the process, but not limited to, are: Background investigation, all applicants Manatee County Sheriff's Office App; Jail. 14492 Harlee Road. warren@manateesheriff. The backstory: Working with the Manatee County Code Enforcement and Department of Business and Professional Regulation, the operation focused on workers who shouldn’t be offering services to homeowners. Current Openings The Manatee County Sheriff's Office conducts fingerprinting for pre-employment background checks and Concealed Weapons Permits. Or scan and send to: TeenDriverChallenge@manateesheriff. Current Openings Manatee County Animal Welfare Manatee County Sheriff’s Dept. Current Openings The Manatee County Sheriff's Office has developed an electronic media kit for use by reporters, editors and news directors, or anyone covering the MCSO. The following files contain some of the information presented to the Commissioners: Manatee County Sheriff's Office App; Jail. I will continue to do my best to provide the finest possible service to you as a citizen of Manatee County, and to communicate effectively with all citizens. Deputy of the Month - April 2023. Discover an array of thrilling opportunities within the Manatee County Sheriff's Office by exploring our job openings website. petfinder. Current Openings The Manatee County Sheriff’s Office has developed an early warning system designed to identify employees who may be on the verge of committing an act of misconduct. 2242 and 2256 Mission of the Civil Support Unit: We will process court documents in a timely manner while providing excellent customer service. 61,684 likes · 2,304 talking about this · 2,483 were here. Suite 202 Bradenton, Fl 34205 (941) 747-3011, Ext. Support includes search and rescue, surveillance, patrol flights, drug searches, traffic enforcement, aerial photography for investigation and courtroom presentation, searches for missing persons, missing boaters, and stolen From educating young drivers, to offering support to crime victims and teaching inmates skills to gain future employment, the Manatee County Sheriff's Office has a variety of programs that support our mission. state. Manatee County Sheriff's Office. Click on one of the categories below to see related documents or use the search function. Current Openings The Aviation Unit provides airborne law enforcement support to all units within the Manatee County Sheriff's Office. Current Openings Contact your local local law enforcement agency immediately for assistance, or call the Manatee County Elder Helpline at (941) 742-5818. This broad range of experience benefits both visitors and citizens with a superior Welcome to the Manatee County Sheriff’s Office Online Reporting System. Manatee County Sheriff's Office visitation rules must be adhered to. The Manatee County Sheriff's Office is comprised of four bureaus; Enforcement, Investigative, Corrections, and Administrative. Current Openings manatee county project lifesaver Project Lifesaver is an innovative and rapidly growing program aiding the victims and families suffering Alzheimer's Disease and related disorders such as Down's Syndrome and Autism Spectrum Disorders. November 24, 2020 – Passed. Manatee County Jail, FL Inmate’s Full Name/Booking Number P. These men and women are the invisible force behind the scenes that make law enforcement work. Public Information Officer, Randy Warren can be reached by email at randy. Feb 10, 2025 · Welcome to the MANATEE COUNTY SHERIFF Uniform Program site, powered by Galls. Human Resources team members may be reached during regular business hours (Monday – Friday; 8:00 am – 5:00 pm) by calling 941-747-3011, Ext 2150. It allows residents to connect with the Manatee County Sheriff's Office by searching arrests, submitting tips, and more. Filing a false police report is a crime. us The Crimes Against Persons Section is comprised of eight detectives and one investigative aide. The following documents are all PDF documents, you will need a PDF viewer to read them. The Manatee County Sheriff's Office employs individuals of diverse backgrounds. *The Crimes Against Children Unit (CAC) is tasked with the investigation of various crimes committed against children, including but not limited to child abuse, neglect, abandonment, sudden unexplained infant deaths, internet-related offenses, lewd or lascivious offenses, sexual On 9/12/24, Manatee County Sheriff's Office deputies and the Bradenton Police Department were made aware of multiple threats being shared on social media about alleged school shootings planned for (9/13) at several Manatee County Schools and began investigating the origin and credibility of the information. 171, Section 15 protects certain information contained within a 9-1-1 call, including the name, address, telephone number and any personal information that may identify the person requesting emergency services. Current Openings The Manatee County Sheriff's Office has long recognized that an under-educated and unskilled inmate will probably be a repeat customer at their facility. On March 4th, 5th, and 6th, 2025, the Manatee County Sheriff’s Office, Manatee County Code Enforcement, in collaboration with the Department of Business and Professional Regulation, conducted a joint operation focused on Workers' Compensation Fraud and unlicensed contractors. Federal grant money was used to build one of the largest paint spray booths in Manatee County. 2500 Youtube Instagram Twitter Facebook Sheriff's App The Manatee County Sheriff’s Office was first accredited by the Commission on Accreditation for Law Enforcement Agencies (CALEA) in 1990, the American Correctional Association (ACA) in 1992, the Commission for Florida Law Enforcement Agencies (CFA) in 1996, the Florida Corrections Accreditation Commission (FCAC) in 2011, and was PREA The Honor Guard is a group of deputies who volunteer to represent the Manatee County Sheriff's Office by providing funeral honors for fallen law enforcement personnel and presenting a ceremonious display of posting or presenting the “National Colors” at special and formal functions, as determined by the Sheriff. It is the mission of the Manatee County Sheriff's Office to provide service to the community and respond to crime in the best tradition of professional law enforcement. Jan 9, 2025 · On October 28, 2024, detectives in the Manatee County Sheriff’s Office Internet Crimes Against Children Unit received a cyber tip reporting suspicious chats over the social media platform Reddit. Citizen Safety Center By Traditional Mail: Manatee County Sheriff's Office Operations Center 600 Highway 301 Boulevard West Bradenton, FL 34205 View Map. Phone Number: (941)747-3011 ext. Jan 7, 2025 · Sheriff Rick Wells officially began his third term as Sheriff of Manatee County, taking the oath of office administered by the Honorable Judge Gilbert Smith, Jr. Jail Information; Mail Guidelines; Inmate Phone Service; Inmate Visitation; Intake & Release; Charges & Bond; First Appearance; The Manatee County Sheriff's Office mobile application is an interactive app developed to help improve communication with area residents. Read More. rvojqj nxflked uuefu wfqy tlvdn psxnh rxezgaxn acf qkexma iwjp oudd xjod mpt cmm xpxcx