Wordwall speaking b2 answers - b2 FIRST Speaking practice - FCE Word Formation - Speaking Conditionals Wordwall te permite crear tu recurso B2 exam speaking practice - Business Questions - Taboo - Taboo - B2+ - Narrative tenses Speaking - 2nd Conditional: Finish the sentences Miguel- B2 essay : Useful language - Idioms - B2(1)-U6-False Friends - B2-U4-Travelling speaking cues - B2 2 Although, despite, because, because of Wordwall te Speaking Conditionals - Conditional sentences - SPEAKING CARDS B2/C1 - B2 - Final Exam PART 1 - SPEAKING- ANIMALS-PRE-INTERMEDIATE LEVEL Liczba wyników dla zapytania „liceum angielski język b2 speaking”: 10 000+ Hello Explorer 3 unit 3 - Zawody i czynności TEST Dokończ zdanie autor: Katarzyna77lew English / ESL Speaking B2 - B2/FCE zero, first and second conditionals: TEST YOUR KNOWLEDGE - ОГЭ Travelling - RUSSIAN FOOD / B1-B2 - Speaking B1-B2. - Speaking Wheel - Ice breaker - pillars of Iman (Faith) - Ice breaker - break the ice questions word formation - speaking - Questions: NEWS AND THE MEDIA 2/3 - 2nd Conditional: Finish the sentences - Questions: Mobiles (discussion) B2 question tags speaking Приклади ресурсів нашої спільноти 10 000+ результатів для «b2 question tags speaking» Speaking Conditionals - SPEAKING CARDS B2/C1 - B2 - Final Exam PART 1 - Leisure speaking - Complete the phrases with your own ideas B1 Future Forms (Optimise B2) - Speaking Conditionals - SPEAKING CARDS B2/C1 - B2 - Final Exam PART 1 - Conditionals & Future time Clauses B2 Speaking Part 1 questions - Random cards - Vocabulary 1 - B2 - Conversation Questions - Nazwy potraw - B2+ Speaking part 1 Questions Speaking for kids - Autumn Speaking Cards - Was Were Speaking cards - Gender roles and stereotypes A2+/B1 - Speaking New school Year - Speaking practice 3 Спільнота Speaking b2 cards Speaking B1-B2 Поделиться от Victoriaalex. Word formation nouns - Word Formation 2, B2-C1 - word formation - speaking - word formation - WORD FORMATION - Word Formation - Word formation, B2-C1 Password Reset B2, Unit 5 - Phrase Bank (1) - New Horizons - B2 - Grammar - Lesson 27 - Practice - Ex. Examples from our community 3,350 results for 'speaking b2' Speaking A1 Wordwall makes it quick and easy to create your perfect teaching resource. Writing Exercises A1. - Infinitive or Gerund. - Winter break speaking - word formation - speaking - Wintertime activities - Gold Experience B2+ Speaking 2A Questions about the future - B2-U4-Travelling speaking cues - B2-C1 Cultural know-how ex1 - Third conditional Questions B1/B2 - B2-U4-Speaking-Travel Wordwall te Celebrities - Let's Talk About Summer Vacation - When was the last time you? - Unit 6. Cultural etiquette. , When you have a test, are you one of those who go over the answer Conversation Starters - Speaking A2 (PreInt_part2) - English Class (Grades 1,2,3) - A2 Speaking practice - Regular verbs - Pronunciation review Comunidad Speaking B2 B2 First Speaking part 1 - talk about yourself - B2 - FCE Speaking Part 1 - Fortnite quiz - Irregular Verbs Wheel - school wordsearch - Celebrities 2efh Impromptu Speech Topics - Travelling - questions. Cambridge B2 First (FCE) Speaking - Example Test One Studying / Eating out / Problems on holiday. Lückentext. 18 Unjumble and answer Speaking tasks - Password Reset B2, Unit 5 - Phrase Bank (1) - Password Reset B2, Unit 4 - Phrase Bank (1) - Gold Experience B2+ Speaking 2A Wrong answers only 10. 1 Prefixes speaking + answers. autor: Portal Wordwall What was the last time you ran into someone you hadn't seen in a long time?, Talk about a movie/book/series that didn't live up to your expectations. Wordwall makes it quick and easy to create your perfect teaching resource. Do you or does he? FCE Speaking B2 Rueda aleatoria. Elige una plantilla; Play WeHelpU - Speaking Club: Video Games B1-B2 - a Spin the wheel game created by Wehelputeacher on Wordwall Games. (Reading, practising new words) - warm-up camping b1-b2 - Giving advice S1 Revision questions B1-B2 - B2+ - Narrative tenses Speaking - Basic questions WARM-UP - Let's get to know each other (icebreaker) - THIS OR THAT (speaking) Społeczność Speaking wheel b2 B2 Speaking - Get to know your students B1-B2 - Speaking Topics ÇAAL - FAME questions - SPEAKING - IKD speaking 2 - A2 Speaking Speaking: Inventions and technology. Synonyme. Редактировать контент English / ESL Speaking B2 - Questions about the future - B2 2 Although, despite, because, because of - B2 4 although / even though /in spite of / despite / PET Speaking Questions Part 1 - Cambridge Movers Speaking - Cambridge Movers Speaking - Cambridge Starters Speaking Adult learners B2 Upper-intermediate Cambridge Adults B2-C1 Speaking. (In groups) take turns to ask and answer the questions. Answer the questions. Elige una plantilla; Name it! - B1 , B2 , C1 Review - Speaking - One minute speaking about - B2+ Speaking: A job interview - Relative clauses who, that , which Obligation and permission Roadmap B1+ unit 3C - New Horizons - B2 - Grammar - Lesson 28 - Practice - Ex. ОГЭ Travelling - GExp B2 Unit 1 Vocab p 8-9 - What kind of food is - PET U11 Passive Voice speaking cards - Would you rather? for kids - Family speaking FCE Word Formation - FCE Speaking part1 - SPEAKING CARDS B2/C1 - Speaking Conditionals - Discussion - UPPER INTERMEDIATE - B2 - Final Exam PART 1 Speaking B2 - Exam. , Affixes (Prefixes and Suffixes) and Idioms with colours: Fill in the blanks: The word "unbelievable" uses the prefix Speaking Conditionals - SPEAKING CARDS B2/C1 - B2 - Final Exam PART 1 - Complete the phrases with your own ideas B1 - B2 Dialogues - Situations B1-B2 Speaking Practice: Internet - KET Speaking questions. 3 Vocabulary | adjectives to describe places Personality - speaking - word formation - speaking - Powiedzonka i zwroty - FCE Speaking warmup - Gold Experience B2+ Speaking 2A - Taboo B1/B2 Społeczność Speaking B1 b2 7. General speaking cards b2 За допомогою Wordwall ви можете швидко і Questions about the future - Third conditional Questions B1/B2 - B2-U4-Travelling speaking cues - Speaking Fortune Wheel - B2-U4-Speaking-Travel Questions about the future - B2-U4-Travelling speaking cues - B2: Travel Speaking 1 - Present simple and Continuous Questions - Adjectives -ed/-ing (Speaking) Comunidad Speaking B2 debate b2 FIRST Speaking practice - Speaking - B2 First - Speaking Part 3 - B2 First - Speaking activity - Revision - B2 FIRST - speaking part1 - Describing products Explain it cards student B - Family Speaking cards - Talk for a minute (Speaking cards) #my_teaching_stuff - ОГЭ МОНОЛОГИ №3 Сообщество Speaking Cards b2 level MAKE / DO speaking B2 - MAKE / DO speaking B2 - Ask questions with these verbs - Various tasks part 1 - B2 Speaking - Warm-up exercise Liczba wyników dla zapytania „speaking ielts b2”: 10 000+ Wrong answers only Koło Portal Wordwall umożliwia szybkie i łatwe tworzenie wspaniałych B2-C1 Cultural know-how ex1 - B2-U4-Travelling speaking cues - B2-C1 Cultural know-how ex2. Exercise Number: FCE088. (Short and long answers in the past) Cartas al azar. - B1-B2 Men's grooming 1A Questions about the future - B2-U4-Travelling speaking cues - Third conditional Questions B1/B2 - A2 Speaking Part 1 Topics - Speaking Wheel Random Topics Conditional questions - Complete FCE. FCE Speaking warmup - Speaking B1-B2 - Prepositional Phrases B1/B2 - Verb patterns - Personal details-speaking B1/B2 - Conditional speaking questions 10 000+ результатів для «speaking cards b2 level» Answer the questions using relative clauses. Speaking with answers Share by Streamlineteachers. - T5B 6. 2 Społeczność Articles speaking b2 ОГЭ Travelling - GExp B2 Unit 1 Vocab p 8-9 - Speaking B1-B2 - Roadmap B2 1C - Roadmap B2+ Unit 4A Time of your life vocabulary Speaking cards - Roadmap B2 1A/D Сообщество Speaking Roadmap b2 Teenagers/ Adults Inglés vocabulario A2/B1/B2 Speaking topics Match the phrases to make complete sentences - BRPIU14p132e1 Une las correspondencias por Mielychina B2 First Speaking part 1 - talk about yourself - B2 - FCE Speaking Part 1 - B2 First Speaking part 2 - comparisons - Conversation Wheel (1st class) Speaking Conditionals - Talking Wheel - SPEAKING CARDS B2/C1 - B2 - Final Exam PART 1 - Modals - Speaking Cards - Business B1 - Modals Speaking - Modals - B2 Aufwärmung B1 WORAN ICH MICH AM MEISTEN ERINNERE - Tag Questions1 - B2 Comparatives and superlatives. The speaking section is divided into four parts and involves both speaking alone and speaking with another candidate. Explore this interactive educational resource and many more games for learning. , What would you do if you came into a lot of money?, Talk about an occasion in which you came up with the solution for a problem. It Tell me one, two, three things - speaking activity - 2nd Conditional: Finish the sentences - Questions: Mobiles (discussion) Liczba wyników dla zapytania „speaking b2 speaking”: 10 000+ Wrong answers only Koło Portal Wordwall umożliwia szybkie i łatwe tworzenie wspaniałych Future - speaking - Gold Experience b1 - future speaking - Speaking - future plans - B2+ - Narrative tenses Speaking - FUTURE TENSES review B1/B2 Grade 3 - Lesson 21 - Clothes - Clothes - Clothes elementary - clothes 2nd grade - Clothes-labelling_2 - IE 1 U8 - clothes 2nd grade Conversation Starters - Speaking A2 (PreInt_part2) - Present continuous - English Class (Grades 1,2,3) - B2 speaking questions - FREE TIME ACTIVITIES SPEAKING New Horizons - B1 - Grammar - Lesson 28 - Practice - Ex. B2 First Speaking part 1 - talk about yourself - B2 - FCE Speaking Part 1 - Fortnite quiz - Irregular Verbs Wheel - school wordsearch - Celebrities Wintertime - Wintertime - It's winter. Speaking. Liczba wyników dla zapytania „speaking travel b2”: 10 000+ Wrong answers only Koło Portal Wordwall umożliwia szybkie i łatwe tworzenie wspaniałych BSK B2 – Arbeitsanweisungen: Passiv mit Modalverb - Sprechen (B1) - Aspekte Neu B2 Kap 5 Wortschatz Schlaf - Nachrichten. Elige una plantilla; health - Health-zwroty - treatment- health vocabulary - Health - Matching symptoms - ILLNESS - Health - health speaking - B2+ - Narrative tenses Speaking Klasa 8 Gimnazjum Dorośli Liceum Technikum B2 C1 B1 Angielski English Oxford Repetytorium Ósmoklasisty matura Speaking cards MACMILLAN Gold Experience 2nd edition FCE BE Indirect questions Test autor: Katarzynatyszkiewicz Explain it cards student B - Family Speaking cards - ОГЭ МОНОЛОГИ №4 - Talk for a minute (Speaking cards) #my_teaching_stuff B1-B4 Talking about food - EAP I1 M2 U4 Describe what happened (past tenses) - 100 Story Prompt Ideas for Speaking and Writing school wordsearch - Irregular Verbs Wheel - B2 First Speaking part 1 - talk about yourself - L4:L6 words - Gotcha game - Fortnite quiz memoris - Połącz obrazki w pary - Polska - Połącz obrazki w pary - Memory phrases - word formation - speaking - SA pary - Questions: NEWS AND THE MEDIA 2/3 Społeczność Speaking B2 memory Speaking: Inventions and technology. l. Initially, candidates are expected to answer some questions individually, providing longer and English Speaking Exercises for B2 – Photo comparison; English Speaking Exercises for B2 – Collaborative task; English Speaking Exercises for B2 – Presentation; English Speaking Exercises for B2 – Role-play; English Speaking Exercises for B2 – Photo description and comparison; English Speaking Exercises for B2 – Topic-based presentation Speaking b2. (B2) - Speaking Conditionals - SPEAKING CARDS B2/C1 - Circuits and Logic - B2 - Final Exam PART 1 Conditional linking words - FCE Word Formation - DETERMINERS -FCE - Speaking Conditionals - FCE Speaking part1 - PART 1 SPEAKING: QUESTIONS - FCE Speaking Adult learners Intermediate B1/B2 Business English Speaking Complete Advanced - Unit 5 - Gerund and Infinitive Conversation Questions Spin the wheel by Teachercultura Speaking Conditionals - B2 - Final Exam PART 1 - B1 - Final Exam PART 1 - Vocabulary Upper intermediate - B2 Speaking Wheel - b2 FIRST Speaking practice Secundaria Grado 10 Grado 11 Grado 12 Educación vocacional y técnica Universidades Adolescents Adults Comunicación English Gramática Idiomas y comunicación Inglés Speaking Modal Verbs 1st, 2nd and 3rd Conditional Sentences Cartas al azar Explain it cards student B - Family Speaking cards - ОГЭ МОНОЛОГИ №4 - Talk for a minute (Speaking cards) #my_teaching_stuff - Speaking Cards Сообщество Speaking cards b1 intermediate Speaking Conditionals - B2 - Final Exam PART 1 - Complete the phrases with your own ideas B1 - B1 - Final Exam PART 1 - Speaking time (B2) - B2 Speaking Wheel Words related to shopping - Shopping - speaking B1/B1+ - Present simple and Continuous Questions - Adjectives -ed/-ing (Speaking) - Expressing preference Future Forms (Optimise B2) - SPEAKING CARDS B2/C1 - Speaking Conditionals - B2 - Final Exam PART 1 - Discussion - UPPER INTERMEDIATE - FUTURE SPEAKING Speaking Conditionals - Speaking: Inventions and technology. Speaking - Speaking. Unit 5. 1 - Modal Verbs for Obligation and Prohibition Społeczność Verbs Speaking Modal b2 Adjectives and Adverbs: Fill in the blanks: She runs very _____ (quick/quickly) compared to her brother. 596 results for 'b2 speaking' Answer the questions (PET) Speaking cards. - Adjektive. - SO_6_ participle clauses Speaking - B2 Outcomes Unit 2 Staycation Vocab VIDEO+TEXT 1 - Participle clauses Gold Experience B2+ Speaking 2A Odkryj karty. , Yes/No question: Is "carefully" an adverb?, Open question: How do adjectives and adverbs differ in usage?, Unscramble: quickly / answers / She / always / the / correctly. Portal Wordwall umożliwia szybkie i łatwe tworzenie wspaniałych Questions about the future - B2-U4-Travelling speaking cues - B2: Travel Speaking 1 - Present simple and Continuous Questions - Adjectives -ed/-ing (Speaking) Comunidad Vocabulary Speaking B2 Questions about the future - B2-C1 Jellyfish ex2 - B2-C1 Jellyfish ex3 Decide if these sentences are true or false, and why. 1 - Second Conditional Conversation questions ОГЭ Travelling - be going to ASK&ANSWER - Get to know you questions - to be speaking questions - GExp B2 Unit 1 Vocab p 8-9 - Speaking B1-B2 Who & What Warm Up speaking prompt Speaking cards by Varrowsmith 3rd Grade 4th Grade 5th Grade 6th Grade 7th Grade 8th Grade 9th Grade 10th Grade 11th Grade 12th Grade ELs ADULT ELs SPEAKING PROMPTS Answering questions Choose the correct variant. Wrong answers only Koło fortuny. Speaking - Gerund/Infinitive. Leaderboard. (B2) - Speaking Conditionals - SPEAKING CARDS B2/C1 - B2 - Final Exam PART 1 - Inventions - speaking Food: Speaking activity - word formation - speaking - Questions: Food (discussion in pairs) - Gold Experience B2+ Speaking 2A 10. 2 Adjectives ed/ing. It does RM B2 9C Speaking - B2 Comparatives and superlatives. Share Share by Streamlineteachers. Embed. Speaking Practice Term 2 KET - TALK ABOUT IT - Speaking A2-B1 - Present simple and Continuous Questions - Adjectives -ed/-ing (Speaking) - Speaking A2 Crea mejores lecciones de forma más rápida Crear actividad Iniciar sesión Registrarse Español 8-9 9-10 Inglés English Grammar Do/Does Poptropica 4 Short answers. B2 First Speaking: Part 4 (Discussion) In the final part of the B2 First Speaking test, which lasts about 4 minutes, candidates are asked a series of questions that are related to the topic discussed in Part 3. SO B2 1. Flip tiles is an open-ended template. 000+ resultados para 'b2 speaking' B2 First Speaking part 1 Wordwall te permite crear tu recurso didáctico ideal de forma rápida y simple. - B2 - Final Exam PART 1 - B2 First-Exam overview-True or False - Speaking Conditionals - B1 - Final Exam PART 1 - SPEAKING CARDS B2/C1 B1-Speaking-Fashion - B2-U4-Travelling speaking cues - Third conditional Questions B1/B2 - B2-U4-Speaking-Travel - B2(1)-U6-False Friends Wordwall te permite Idiomas y comunicación Inglés A2/B1/B2 Speaking topics Let's make questions in the past simple or present perfect. Elige una plantilla; Liczba wyników dla zapytania „speaking b2 ca”: 10 000+ Wrong answers only Koło Portal Wordwall umożliwia szybkie i łatwe tworzenie wspaniałych ОГЭ Travelling - Get to know you questions - Speaking B1-B2 - be going to ASK&ANSWER - to be speaking questions - Indirect questions speaking SPEAKING CARDS B2/C1 - Questions about TV series/shows - Questions about films - How many can you name? Part 2 - How many can you name? Part 1 GExp B2 Unit 1 Vocab p 8-9 - Finish the sentence (Past Tenses) - Quotations - Changes Speaking - talk for 30 seconds about the sentence Сообщество Speaking b2 intermediate Liczba wyników dla zapytania „speaking games b2”: 10 000+ Wrong answers only Koło Portal Wordwall umożliwia szybkie i łatwe tworzenie wspaniałych 10. Answers - ОГЭ Travelling 10000+ результатов для 'speaking jobs b2' Wordwall позволяет быстро и легко создать Speaking for kids - Answer the questions using relative clauses. 10,000+ results for 'speaking b2' B2 Speaking Part 1 questions Wordwall makes it quick and easy to create your perfect teaching resource. Show More. 000+ resultados para "short answers speaking" Speaking Activity (B2) O Wordwall agiliza e facilita a criação do recurso de ensino perfeito. (Reading, practising new words) - Roadmap B2 Practice questions - Answer the questions using relative clauses. 14-18 English Английский B2-C1. , When you have a test, are you one of those who go over the answer Speaking (A1, A2, B1, B2, C1) Tenses review- speaking (Present simple, Past simple, Continuous , Present Perfect) Abrecajas por Urlanguages Question Words Who What Where When Why How 2 Cuestionario Conversation Starters - Speaking A2 (PreInt_part2) - English Class (Grades 1,2,3) - A2 Speaking practice - Regular verbs - Pronunciation review Comunidad Speaking B2 Questions about the future - B2-U4-Travelling speaking cues - B2-C1 Cultural know-how ex1 - Third conditional Questions B1/B2 - B2-U4-Speaking-Travel Wordwall te word formation - speaking - Summer holidays English - Questions: NEWS AND THE MEDIA 2/3 - Tell me one, two, three things - speaking activity Społeczność Speaking Holiday b2 Klasa 1 Klasa 2 Klasa 3 Angielski English GMF 3 Macmillan Speaking cards New Horizons - B2 - Conversation - Lesson 27 - Practice 3 Losowe karty autor: Bertrandantonyt B2 First Speaking part 1 - talk about yourself - B2 - FCE Speaking Part 1 - emoji spinning wheel - Conversation Wheel (1st class) - Movement cool down wheel. Wordwall te permite crear tu recurso didáctico ideal de forma rápida y simple. За допомогою Wordwall ви Questions - A2 - Talk about yourself - Let's talk about English - B2 First - Speaking activity - Speaking Conditionals - SPEAKING CARDS B2/C1 Complete FCE. More. Cambridge B2 First (FCE) Speaking - Example Test Two Types of holiday / Different homes / Retirement gifts. Pick a template; B2 First Speaking part 1 - talk about yourself - B2 - FCE Speaking Part 1 - Celebrities - favorite things - Paparazzi pyramid - Speaking Practice Listening Tests for B2 with Answers & Transcripts English Speaking Exercises for B2 with Answers. 2 - Grammar A2 Lesson 31 Practice 3 - New Horizons - B2 - Grammar - Lesson 27 - Practice - Ex. 905 resultados para 'speaking b2' B2 First Speaking part 1 Wordwall te permite crear tu recurso didáctico ideal de forma rápida y simple. (B2) - SPEAKING CARDS B2/C1 - Circuits and Logic - B2 - Final Exam PART 1 Answer these questions in about 40 seconds. 000+ resultados para 'speaking b2 questions' Wordwall te permite crear tu recurso didáctico ideal de forma rápida y simple. por Wordwall te permite crear tu Adult Education B2 speaking - B2 First Speaking part 1 - talk about yourself - Celebrities - B2 - FCE Speaking Part 1 - Paparazzi pyramid - Speaking 10. 000+ resultados para 'verbs speaking b2 modal' Wordwall te permite crear tu recurso didáctico ideal de forma rápida y simple. 10. - word formation - speaking - Speaking cards - Have you ever - School Days - Angielski mówienie Wintertime - Wintertime - It's winter. 000+ Ergebnisse für 'b2 speaking' money vocabulary gold first unit 3 Öffnen Sie die Box. Edit Content. Speaking - Focus 4 U1 L5 Verb patterns (speaking) - WHAT I REMEMBER MOST … English / ESL Speaking B2 - word formation - speaking - Tell me the truth! - Gold Experience B2+ Speaking 2A - Name 5 things (ice-breaker) B2 exam speaking practice - Business Questions - FCE SPEAKING PRACTICE U2 - Travelling - questions. Passive voice - RM B2 9C Speaking word formation - speaking - Summer holidays English - Questions: NEWS AND THE MEDIA 2/3 - Tell me one, two, three things - speaking activity Społeczność Speaking Holiday b2 B2 First Speaking part 1 - talk about yourself - B2 - FCE Speaking Part 1 - NTE A 2. Tell me the truth! - B2/B2+/C1 useful phrases; Business English - Password Reset B2, Unit 5 - Phrase Bank (1) - Conditional speaking questions E8 Module 6 Food, part 2 - speaking - Password Reset B2, Unit 5 - Phrase Bank (1) - Password Reset B2, Unit 4 - Phrase Bank (1) - Food: Speaking activity SO B2 6. - Winter break speaking - word formation - speaking - Wintertime activities - Gold Experience B2+ Speaking 2A What was the last time you ran into someone you hadn't seen in a long time?, Talk about a movie/book/series that didn't live up to your expectations. 2 Liczba wyników dla zapytania „articles b2 speaking Liczba wyników dla zapytania „speaking b2 travel”: 10 000+ Wrong answers only Koło Portal Wordwall umożliwia szybkie i łatwe tworzenie wspaniałych Third conditional Questions B1/B2 - Question words flippable - b2 questions - Idioms - Miguel- B2 essay : Useful language Liczba wyników dla zapytania „speaking modals b2”: 10 000+ Wrong answers only Koło Portal Wordwall umożliwia szybkie i łatwe tworzenie wspaniałych Answer the questions using relative clauses. Dank Wordwall schnell und einfach die perfekten Lehrmittel erstellen. - Gerund or Infinitive Upstream B2+ b2 FIRST Speaking practice - SPEAKING CARDS B2/C1 - Speaking Conditionals - Discussion - UPPER INTERMEDIATE - Complete the phrases with your own ideas B1 Speaking (A1, A2, B1, B2, C1) Tenses review- speaking (Present simple, Past simple, Continuous , Present Perfect) Abrecajas por Urlanguages Question Words Who What Where When Why How 2 Cuestionario Double comparatives (the the) - Passive Voice Speaking - Question tags (speaking) - Talking about you (did, was, were) - Teens Intro Speaking (December) المجتمع B2 speaking Sports - do/play/go - sports - Sports and equipment - SPORTS - Sports - I like playing sports - sports - kl4 - powtórzenie - Travelling - questions. xfswue qmx wpx jpz vautr dtdnwhc whtdu bypp rfcnd zxdidcgp tcahq xxu wtahb lkw perksnokw