Aircooled net jetting. All products purchased .

Aircooled net jetting Net has no control over product installation, we will not be Aircooled. General Questions and Pre-Order Inquiries: custservice@aircooled. This is often lost and is required! All information provided by Aircooled. net's jet selection chart came up with a 50 idle jet. you will be giving up some low end torque. your 1 5/8" header isn't ideal but it will work. Net Dual Port Mini Stroker VW Engine Long Block, 74mm Counterweighted Crankshaft, Type 1, 2, and 3, 1800cc, 1904cc, 1968cc, or 2054cc is based on a forged 74mm Counterweighted Crankshaft, and it's displacement depends on the bore size you select; 1800cc (MACHINE IN 88mm Bore THICK WALL), 1904cc (90. Net's expertise to help you troubleshoot and tune standing by if/when you need it! jetting, and setup headaches, don't find out the hard way! WARNING: If you are installing this on a 68+ bus with the upright engine, the air filter mount will interfere with the RH Carb, and the mount must be removed! Price: $ 429. 145 which is an 145 Jet Idel jet is a part # 74409. Most idle jetting stays in the . John Aircooled. ORDER CARE & CUSTOMER SUPPORT tuning webers www_aircooled_net. 060 range Idle jets only give good fuel mixture below 3000 or so RPM. Net only carries ITALIAN MADE DELLORTO JETS, we do not carry Chinese reproductions which do not flow properly! These Dell'Orto jets have been flow tested at the factory. Searching for "Single IDF" yields these threads that have valuable info. Main Jets. 5 Carb Setup Service INCLUDES JET CHANGES (Free jets!), the expense of the proper jets can exceed what we charge for the setup, so it's a great deal for you! Since Aircooled. I can give you a jetting combo where the 55 idle fuel is too rich, and another where a 70 idle fuel is too lean, DEPENDING ON THE IDLE AIR I set the float, re-jetted to these specs (45 Primary and 55 Secondary Idle Jet, 125 Primary and 175 Secondary Main Jet, and a 160 Primary and 180 Secondary Air Jet) vwparts. All Since Aircooled. Actually they are rated on flow not size, after they are measured on a flow Weber 40 IDF Venturi, 30mm, PAIR We carry a huge assortment of venturis, and have the tuning and jetting experience to ensure you buy as few jets as possible! We have helped thousands of VW Enthusiasts tune their carbs to perfection, you can do it too! Secondly, we will tell you the correct jet sizes to minimize your jet expense, and your valuable time tuning! Other shops that aren't proficient at Weber Tuning will be happy to sell you jets at $4 ea, and you'll wind up with 6 sizes (24 jets) that you don't need! Since Aircooled. I'm studying the Aircooled. Weber 40 IDF Venturi, 32mm, Pair. Jetting and tuning your carbs or FI was never so easy! We have upgraded our A/F gauge kit to the Innovate Wideband unit, because the price of a wideband gauge has dropped so much. Net, Inc. Net serves the aircooled VW restoration, performance, drag race and daily driver community with quality, honest technical information and earnest sourcing of OEM and aftermarket Aircooled VW parts that Work, Fit, and Last. 0mm. Net (via website or email) is for USE AT Since Aircooled. Price: $ 89. 0 X 2. 5mm, EACH, 69002. Care for Orders In Progess (Backorder ETAs, Cancellations): ordercare@aircooled. More efficient engines can benefit from leaner idle jets, and less efficient Aircooled. 00 Item eligible for Econo/1st Class Mail shipment, min ship charge applies. All products purchased should be inspected Aircooled. 160 on primary. Net only carries ITALIAN MADE DELLORTO JETS, we do not carry Chinese reproductions (whch do not flow properly!). Stock 1600dp with EMPI HPMX 40s and a tri mill hot dog muffler at sea level. My bus ran crap until i got it jetted right, now it will go Carb Setup Service INCLUDES JET CHANGES (Free jets!), the expense of the proper jets can exceed what we charge for the setup, so it's a great deal for you! Since Aircooled. Note that any time you change the idle speed, carb sync, idle jet size, or ignition timing, you must re-set the idle mixture! Weber 48 IDF, 48 IDA, and Dellorto 48 DRLA DELUXE Jetting and tuning your carbs or FI was never so easy! We have upgraded our A/F gauge kit to the Innovate Wideband unit, because the price of a wideband gauge has dropped so much. Jetting is more about the carb than the engine for initial jetting. Should you use a single carb on the beetle, these will work, but if you go to twin carbs, you need to change down one size. 55 which is an 1080-55 ICT idle jet. Not many people know that liquid fuel is not flammable, only the vapor is. 5mm) is used to gauge what size the jets actually are, when you can't trust that they are the size that is marked! PRODUCT INFORMATION: All information provided by Aircooled. Net is the VW parts catalog and acquisition service for people who love their aircooled VWs, and want the truth about the parts they put on their car. 5mm) is used to gauge what size the jets actually are, when you Jets are sized in "millimeters", so a "50" jet is very close to . I've noted a formula in the books (basically 1. This allowed additional fuel into the idle circuit making it impossible to dial it in. Net only carries ORIGINAL Weber JETS FROM ITALY, we do not carry Chinese reproductions which do not flow properly! Our jetting guide down below will really help you dial in your carb! Jets are sized in "milimeters", so a "50" jet is very close to . net Jetting Recommendations Jet Gauge Kit (Pin Gauge Kit), Small (. 5 - 3mm) is used to gauge what size the jets actually are, not what they are marked! Since Aircooled. Our jetting guide down below will really help you dial in your carb! Jets are sized in "milimeters", so a "200" jet is very close to 2. net any other info or tricks? thanks! _____ coming home from a hard days work and seeing your kids running to you with open arms makes you forget all about the donkeys at work. _____ 1963 Manx copy 1968 Bus: Back to top: ZEKE65 Samba Member Once those things are completed you can turn to jetting. We carry a huge assortment of venturis, and have the tuning and jetting experience to ensure you buy as few jets as possible! We have helped thousands of VW Enthusiasts tune their carbs to perfection, you can do it too! Weber IDF Allen/Hex Idle Jet Holder, EACH is a great product for Beetles and Super Beetles! These allow you to change the idle jets without removing the carburetors. Net has a ton of Weber IDF and Weber IDA tuning experience to keep your weber jetting expenses and headaches as small as possible! We stock a LOT of weber parts, and will help you buy what you need without guessing! F2 Emulsions work best on carburetors with a Venturi of 40mm and larger. The COMBINATION of the 2 results in your mixture. I think if you close the air adjusters and start over with your mixture screws you'll get closer. 48 idfs,2332cc,fk-10 cam with 1:25 ratio rockers,38mm&42mm valves with ported heads,full msd ignition. Actually they are rated on flow not size Deluxe Center Mount Progressive (DFAV/DFEV) Carburetor Kit, Redline, DP Type 1, K1410 comes with everything needed! This kit is superior to "budget" kits, featuring linkage on the intake manifold, AND the Preheat which runs all the to AND you have Aircooled. Net offers the finest carburetor setup for all new Weber Weber 40 IDF Auxilary Venturi, 4. All products purchased should be inspected, measured, cleaned and Jetting is going to be a combination of cam, timing, altitude and more. This valve closes when the key is off preventing 'Run on'. Well I run a progressive on a 2017 stroker (from a1600 DP), and jetting is everything. We have extensive experience with the Weber IDA, IDF, DFAV/DFEV (Progressive), and ICT. Net are VW jetting experts, and will help you jet your carb(s) properly! We carry the jets, and more importantly, the knowledge and experience to get you the correct jets without you buying a bunch of jets you will not use! cleaned Aircooled. All others stay factory settings. net is a good source of sound jetting advice and he sells the jets as well. These do NOT include the gasket, which must be purchased separately. Your stumble is probably a combination of being too rich, and fouled plugs from running too rich. 005 is the threaded piece which holds the idle jet in place. Net (via website or email) is for USE AT YOUR OWN Aircooled. net: Back to top: Fenix Samba Member Joined: October 05, 2016 Posts: 468 Location: St Louis : After installing an exhaust on my bug, I all of a sudden had terrible lag on take off, making my bug undriveable. Just changing the jets won't necessarily fix the problem immediately because the plugs will take a bit to clean up. There isn't a simple formula to "get it right", though you can usually get it close. 45 - 1. Net has no control over product installation, we will not be held Aircooled. Net has a ton of Weber IDF and Weber IDA tuning experience to keep your weber jetting expenses and headaches as small as possible! We stock a LOT of weber parts, and will help you buy what you need without guessing! F11s are best used on dual carburetor applications with venturis 24-38mm. 00 PRODUCT INFORMATION: All information provided by Aircooled. Net (via website or email) is for USE AT YOUR OWN RISK Solex PDSIT and 40/44 (Kadron) Air Jet, Each is used to tune when the mains come in (Turn on), a bigger jet will usually bring the mains in sooner. Air Jets. I used aircooled. ORDER CARE & CUSTOMER Weber 48 IDA Venturi, 32mm, per PAIR is the perfect product to allow you to jet down your HUGE 48 IDAs for small engines, even stock 1600s! By using a small venturi, the carburetor increases its main jet signal and once again works properly. Actually they are rated on flow not size I did order a set of 55's to test after finally getting word back from John at Aircooled. Net has no control over product installation, we will not be held liable for any Main Jet for Solex, Kadron, Brosol, and Bocar Carburetor (sold per EACH) Price: $7. ORDER CARE & CUSTOMER SUPPORT General Questions and 35mm PDSIT Solex Venturi, 30mm, EACH, 30353001 are a nice power upgrade for the 35 PDSIT Solex carbs, which come out of the box with a 27mm venturi. Net has no control over product installation, we will not be held liable for any consequential costs or damages associated with products purchased Jetting and tuning your carbs or FI was never so easy! We have upgraded our A/F gauge kit to the Innovate Wideband unit, because the price of a wideband gauge has dropped so much. ORDER CARE & CUSTOMER . If you need help John @ aircooled. Think you change in jetting size was to radical Idle jets might be to big. 002 is the O-ring which seals the idle jet holder to carb body, and the idle mixture screw, preventing air leaks which would bypass the finicky idle circuit! Weber 48 IDA Pump Jet (Pump Squirter), Press In Style, Each, 76407 replaces that corroded or lost pump squirter. net SVDA w/Compufire, Redline Weber Fuel Pump, Holley Regulator, Half Ass Brush & Roller Rustoleum Paint Job, 155's or 160's, but my air correction jets are 200's. Net only carries ORIGINAL Weber JETS FROM ITALY, we do not carry Chinese Carb Setup Service INCLUDES JET CHANGES (Free jets!), the expense of the proper jets can exceed what we charge for the setup, so it's a great deal for you! Since Aircooled. net People often go right ahead and spend $500+ for a set of carburettors, bolt them on, and seem "pleased" with the results. 160-180. Net serves the aircooled VW restoration, performance, drag race and daily driver community with quality, honest technical information and earnest sourcing of OEM and aftermarket Aircooled VW parts that Work, Fit, The Engle FK8 is a classic VW Cam for milder engines. Weber carburetors come with out-of-the-box jetting that is usually different than what you need, often the cost of the jets and emulsion tubes you need AND you have Aircooled. Actually they are rated on flow not size, after they are measured on a flow Aircooled. Net (via Carb Setup Service INCLUDES JET CHANGES (Free jets!), the expense of the proper jets can exceed what we charge for the setup, so it's a great deal for you! Since Aircooled. If it doesn't open you won't idle! Opinions please on jetting dual Webber 44 IDFs on a 2016cc for high altitude. Actually they are rated on flow not size, after they are measured on a flow Weber 40 IDF Venturi, 28mm, Pair We carry a huge assortment of venturis, and have the tuning and jetting experience to ensure you buy as few jets as possible! We have helped thousands of VW Enthusiasts tune their carbs to perfection, you can do it too! Weber 48 IDF Venturi, 40mm, EACH, 71513. Net only carries genuine Weber jets from Italy, NOT CHINESE COPIES! You need 2 of these per carburetor. Net only carries ORIGINAL Weber JETS FROM ITALY, we do not carry Chinese reproductions which do not flow properly! These are all genuine Weber jets which have been flow tested at the factory. Many times jets have been drilled and/or reamed to a size different than stamped, so we always Aircooled. These Factory Weber parts ensure the best operation of your IDF Weber carburetor! Aircooled. 534' Valve Lift (1. 30-2. The 30mm venturi will offer more flow potential (more power), and works best with a 160 main jet. It is designed for 1. 300 is the valve that opens and closes the flow of fuel into the carburetor float bowl. we will install and jet them while we do the carb work! 30mm Venturis for Solex/Kadron 40/44, PAIR, 43-4408-0 Aircooled. Idle Jet Holder, Weber DFAV and DFEV Series , 52570. Persevere and you will find the sweet spot. Net's expertise standing by if/when you need it! Don't forget our Legendary Carb Setup and Jet Service! We have been doing this a long time, this option gets rid of a LOT of assembly, jetting, and setup headaches, don't find out the hard way! **This kit does NOT fit the TYPE 34 Karmann Ghia** Price: $ 459. Stock 48 IDA size is 120. 004 are GENUINE WEBER, not Chinese Copies! These screen keep the junk out of your idle air and main air circuits on your babies! PRODUCT INFORMATION: All information provided by Aircooled. net’s heavy duty aluminum push rods 90. 30 Series carbs should use a 50-55 idle jet. Net serves the aircooled VW restoration, performance, drag race and daily driver community with quality, honest technical information and earnest sourcing of OEM and aftermarket Aircooled VW parts that Work, Fit, Jetting formulas are not universal, I wouldn't go by a guide on Weber IDFs to determine jetting for a Solex 1bbl carb. ORDER Aircooled. Net has a ton of Weber IDF and Weber IDA tuning experience to keep your weber jetting expenses and headaches as small as possible! We stock a LOT of weber parts, and will help you buy what you need without guessing! F15s are best used on dual carburetor applications with venturis 24-27mm. Related Aircooled. HM: This link might be worth reading, particularly the reference to EGT gauge for confirming jetting, fine tuning (an easy relationship on a diesel more fuel, higher EGTs! Opposite to petrol with weakness putting up EGTs (due longer burn time) carb tuning (Rhino racing) Main Jet for Solex, Kadron, Brosol, and Bocar Carburetor (sold per EACH) Price: $7. Do your homework and buy the jets you need for your combo. All products purchased should be inspected, measured, cleaned and properly assembled prior to Aircooled. 5 rockers, and it's specs are . Net has a ton of Weber IDF and Weber IDA tuning experience to keep your weber jetting expenses and headaches as small as possible! We stock a LOT of weber parts, and will help you buy what you need without guessing! F7s are best used on Weber 44 IDF and EMPI 40 and 44 HPMX Venturi, 30mm, PAIR We carry a huge assortment of venturis and jets, and have the tuning and jetting experience to ensure you buy as few jets as possible! We have helped thousands of VW Enthusiasts tune their carbs to perfection! Put these in and re-jet instead of buying 48s! We recommend 150 mains most of the time for this size venturi, in dual 44 IDFs with these. Net has no control over product installation, we will not be held liable for any consequential costs or damages associated with products purchased Aircooled. seemed sluggish. Net has no control over product installation, we will not be held liable for any consequential costs or damages associated with products purchased Jet Gauge Kit (Pin Gauge Kit), Large (1. All products purchased should be inspected, measured Weber IDF, DCNF, and DFAV/EV Idle Jet O-ring and Idle Mixture Screw O-ring, 41565. Since Aircooled. Secondary Main: 180-190 . Net are VW jetting experts, and will help you jet your carb (s) properly! I've searched around and found varied suggestions for jetting Weber IDF carbs, but not all of the suggestions mention engine size and altitude level. 2mm), 77903. What idle/main jets would Aircooled. ORDER CARE & CUSTOMER SUPPORT. 00mm (30-200 in Jet Size), 30pc Kit is not as good as using the proper sized jet, but drilling is acceptable if you go VERY slowly, and after you arrive at your proper jet size, measure and order the proper indexed jets! PRODUCT INFORMATION: All information provided by Aircooled. Weber 44 IDF and EMPI 40 and 44 HPMX Venturi, 28mm, PAIR We carry a huge assortment of venturis and jets, and have the tuning and jetting experience to ensure you buy as few jets as possible! We have helped thousands of VW Enthusiasts tune their carbs to perfection! Aircooled. Net (via website or email) is for USE AT YOUR OWN RISK. stock heater boxes and 1 1/2"baja exh stinger w/ baffle. Net offers the finest carburetor setup for all your new Weber Carburetors purchased from us. 5mm cork gasket on either side! The cork is glued with mil-spec adhesive, for the best you can get! The steel sheet prevents "gasket suck" 100%! Once those things are completed you can turn to jetting. 180 on secondary. Net has no control over product installation, we will not be Put these in and re-jet instead of buying 48s! We recommend 160 mains most of the time for this size venturi, in dual 44 IDFs with these. Aircooled. Dellorto DRLA Jet Doctor Kit, Fits Dellorto 36, 40, 45, and 48 DRLA, One Carburetor, CB7348 solve the biggest problem when running Dellorto DRLA carburetors, which are plugged jets. Are my vents going to need to be changed?What about my emulsion tubes? when driving it seems to run I read that from aircooled. Net has no control over product installation, we will not be held liable for any consequential costs or damages Jet Drill (Jet Reamer Kit), . We carry a huge assortment of venturis, and have the tuning and jetting experience to ensure you buy as few jets as possible! We have helped thousands of VW Enthusiasts tune their carbs to perfection, you can do it too! All information provided by Aircooled. Jet and emulsion tube changes are INCLUDED FOR FREE when you opt for the Carb Setup service at the time of your Weber Carburetor Kit purchase. Net has no control over product Weber 44 IDF and EMPI 40 and 44 HPMX Venturi, 36mm, PAIR We carry a huge assortment of venturis, and have the tuning and jetting experience to ensure you buy as few jets as possible! We have helped thousands of VW Enthusiasts Carb Setup Service INCLUDES JET CHANGES. I really need a recommendation on what jets I should start with as a baseline for tuning. Net has a ton of Weber IDF and Weber IDA tuning experience to keep your weber jetting expenses and headaches as small as possible! We stock a LOT of weber parts, and will help you buy what you need without guessing! Idle Jet for Weber DFEV, DFAV (Progressive) & 40 IDA 3bbl, 74403 are ORIGINAL WEBER JETS FROM ITALY, we do not carry Chinese reproductions (whch do not flow properly!). Do my current carb components appear to be a good starting point? your wideband will help you get your jetting dialed in. Jets are sized in "milimeters", so a "50" jet is very close to . The expense of the proper jets can exceed what we charge for the setup, so it's a great deal for you! Since Aircooled. 95 Solex, Kadron, Brosol, and Bocar Idle Jet (Sold per EACH) Price: $8. Proper jetting will give you the most MPG and power out of your carburettors. Net VW parts catalog and parts sourcing service for people who love their aircooled VWs, and want the truth about the parts they put on their car. I just finished getting my 2332 running and need some help with jetting. I may still have a slight intake leak where the manifolds bolt to the heads because the fan shroud makes contact with the side of my carbs. Net has no control over product installation, we will not be held liable for any consequential costs or damages associated with products purchased. The guide says to keep replacing jets to tune. net. tuning webers www_aircooled_net. net svda: akokarski: Sat Jul 07, 2007 7:13 pm: Hi, Trying to figure out what I should replace my jets with on 1600 dp at sea level Searched around and I see some folks suggest: Main jet - X130 Idle jet - 55 Air correction jet - 80Z or main jet 127. out of the box jetting is 180 air jets,f2 emulsion tubes,150mains,55 idle jets. John at aircooled. Net (via website or email) is for USE AT I have a mostly stock 1600cc DP in my '73 Super Beetle, the only difference is a CB Performance "Cheater" cam. If these leak you will run rich as excess fuel overwhelms the emulsion well. I was going to re jet my 34 pict 3, but an SVDA was recommended by John at aircooled. First, we only sell ITALIAN MADE Dellorto jets (much better quality and reliably flow-tested than Chinese reproductions) Secondly, we will tell you the correct jet sizes to minimize your jet expense, and your valuable time tuning! We carry a huge assortment of venturis, and have the tuning and jetting experience to ensure you buy as few jets as possible! We have helped thousands of VW Enthusiasts tune their carbs to perfection, you can do it too! All information provided by Aircooled. This too is sopken of in John's AirCooled. PRODUCT INFORMATION: All information provided by Aircooled. Posted: Tue Dec 29, 2009 2:38 pm Post subject: Weber 40 IDF jetting reccomendations for 1776 I just placed an order for a set of weber 40 IDFs for my bug. Any needed jet and emulsion tube changes are Be careful on jet sizing, Dellorto jets are sized DIFFERENTLY than aftermarket jets, using a close but different numbering system! Item Features We are aware that we are a little more expensive than other supplier of Dellorto DRLA jets, but here is why you should use Aircooled. 0mm), EACH, 79504. netmailto:john@aircooled. First, we only sell ITALIAN MADE DELLORTO JETS. The correct jets for the 1800 to 2000 vw aircooled motor on the 34 ICT weber twins is;-Main Part # 73801. doc 26-Nov-01 How to jet your Weber carburettor(s) From www. net carb pages but want to start off with a good base setup for my engine prior to making adjustments using my new A/F gauge. Net (via website or email Carb Setup Service INCLUDES JET CHANGES (Free jets!), the expense of the proper jets can exceed what we charge for the setup, so it's a great deal for you! Since Aircooled. Weber 48 IDF Venturi, 36mm, Pair. Weber 48 IDA Needle and Seat (Inlet Valve), 300 (2. We strongly recommend you read our extensive jetting articles prior to buying your Weber ICT or DFAV/DFEV (Progressive) air jets, so that you minimize your expense! PRODUCT INFORMATION: All information provided by Aircooled. Net serves the aircooled VW restoration, VW performance, VW drag race and VW daily driver community with quality, honest VW tech info & earnest sourcing of OEM and aftermarket Aircooled VW parts that Quote: Idle jetting Once you've settled on your vents and your carbs are adjusted and cleaned up, you can choose your idle jet size. All products purchased should be inspected, measured, cleaned Weber 48 IDA Idle Air Jet, 77903 are used to make small changes in the progression circuit's A/F, since IDA Idle Fuel Jets are only available in increments of "5". Price per each. Use a felt marker and coat the tip of your jet and then reinstall, seating it lightly. It solved it The Idle Jet and Power Jet are interchangable, but are different sizes. Aircooled. These venturis have the shelf which supports the discharge nozzle for the main circuit. This precisely squirts the fuel into the gap between the throttle plate and carb body, when the throttle is opened! PRODUCT INFORMATION: All information provided by Aircooled. Jet based on what a wideband says, or based on what your fuel consumption, pipe color, plug colors etc. 6 * vent size) for idle jet sizes, and I have to say that vent size has little to do with idle jets, on the vw engine at least. Net (via Weber 40 IDF Float Bowl Kit; (1) Carburetor Top Gasket, (2) Idle Jet O-rings, (2) Idle Mixture Screw O-rings, (1) Needle Valve Gasket, Kit does ONE CARBURETOR will give you the parts you need for a light service of your Dual 48s with 40mm venturis will work best with F2 emulsion tubes and a main jet around 160 at sea level. net jetting guide, but still have some questions. 120 are genuine Weber jets for your babies! The idle air jet supplies air to the idle and progression circuit, to mix with fuel from the idle jet. 055 to . All information provided by Aircooled. All products purchased should be inspected, measured, cleaned Aircooled. Net. Secondly, we will tell you the correct jet sizes to minimize your jet expense, and your valuable time tuning! Other shops that aren't proficient at Dellorto Tuning will be happy to sell you jets at $4 ea, and you'll We are aware that we are a little more expensive than other supplier of Dellorto DRLA jets, but here is why you should use Aircooled. 382' Cam Lift, . net: Back to top: modok Samba Increased preheat will cause the engine to run significantly richer with the carburetor jetting unchanged, since the metered fuel is not falling out of suspension (condensing). All products purchased Jetting and tuning your carbs or FI was never so easy! We have upgraded our A/F gauge kit to the Innovate Wideband unit, because the price of a wideband gauge has dropped so much. Above that carbs pretty much run on mains Tuning shouldn't be to hard to do. All products purchased should be inspected, measured, cleaned Did a search, and read the aircooled. Our jetting guide down below will really help you dial in your carb! Jets are sized in "milimeters", so a "50" jet is very close to . net the article on progressives-- is absolutely essential for you to study. They WILL clean up, just give it a week after the jet changes. We have extensive experience with the Weber IDA, IDF, DFAV/DFEV (Progressive), These are all genuine Weber jets which have been flow tested at the factory. 5mm, per meter Price: $10. Price: $ 24. Hopefully somebody has already done this and I dont have to spend $20 a set and end up with a couple of useless sets. Net has a ton of Weber IDF and Weber IDA tuning experience to keep your weber jetting expenses and headaches as small as possible! We stock a LOT of weber parts, and will help you buy what you need without guessing! measured, cleaned and properly assembled prior to installation. I'm also running a set of dual 40 IDF carbs with the following jet settings (direct copy and paste from listing) Deluxe Sandwich Valve Cover Gasket, T1/2/3, PAIR are the best valve cover gaskets we carry! These gaskets have a 22ga water jet cut from steel sheet, with 1. ORDER CARE & CUSTOMER What the problem ended up being is the seat for the idle jet was a different shape than the idle jets I was using. ORDER CARE & CUSTOMER Weber 40 IDF Venturi, 36mm, Pair. I have a 1600cc in my Baja. General Questions and Weber 48 IDA Idle Jet Holder, Size 120 (1. Idle Jet Holder, Weber IDF, DCNF, and DGV Series , 52570. 95: 48-IDA-VENTURI-40MM-SET. Net only carries ORIGINAL WEBER JETS FROM ITALY, we do not carry Chinese reproductions (whch do not flow properly!). 450 are often damaged upon removal from the carburetor, or from a carburetor fire. Need help jetting single weber 44 idf 1760cc, Single Weber IDF for 1600 Dual Port, single 40 idf on a manx clone?, Single Weber 40 IDF on 1600 has Poor Throttle Response, 1 5/8 These generally work best with a 140 main jet at sea level. 95 Since Aircooled. Go back to your . Net has no control over product installation, we will not be held liable for any consequential costs or damages associated with products purchased Weber 48 IDA Jet Screen Cover, Each, 37012. Net articles but under Weber Progressives Centermount. , look like. All products purchased should be inspected, measured, cleaned and Carb Setup Service INCLUDES JET CHANGES (Free jets!), the expense of the proper jets can exceed what we charge for the setup, so it's a great deal for you! Since Aircooled. 5mm. Super Stock 34 PICT 3 (34-3) Carburetor, 12V, Bocar is what you get when you take the excellent Bocar 34-3 carburetor, and bore the puny stock venturi out to 28mm, then modify circuits and jets so it works right! Great for that SLEEPER LOOK! Aircooled. 4-1. 95: 35-PDSIT-27MM-VENTURI. (Progressive), and ICT. Smaller Idle Air is RICHER. 4 Rockers) 298 degrees of advertised duration, and 258 degrees of duration at . Secondary Idle : 10-15 Larger (opposite from Weber setup) than primary idle . 00 . Net has no control over product installation, we will not be We strongly recommend you read our extensive jetting articles prior to buying your Weber ICT or DFAV/DFEV (Progressive) main jets, so that you minimize your expense! PRODUCT INFORMATION: All information provided by Aircooled. About the Carb Setup Service: Aircooled. 050', on a 108 Lobe Center. We normally recommend these with F2 emulsion tubes, and a main jet around 160 for sea level, with a 180 air jet to begin your tuning. The hotter your manifold, the smaller your idle jet. But before you even begin, fuel pressure and the float levels have to be set up. is in no way affiliated or associated with Volkswagen AG or Volkswagen Idle Shut Off Valve, 30/31, 30 Pict 2 and 34 PDSIT-2 Carburetors, 058-129-413D Is the valve on the side of the carburetor that provides air to the idle circuit. These are often switched on carbs by guys that think the idle jet should be small and the power jet should be big! Make sure the Power Jet (small one) is to the rear, and the Idle Jet (big one) is in the front . Actually they are rated on Main Jets for Solex, Kadron, Brosol, and Bocar Carburetor. We have jetted thousands of Webers for Aircooled VWs, and know what works and why. net- and I took a chance on this economy View original topic: 34 PICT 4 jetting with aircooled. 5mm Bore), 1968cc (92mm THICK Jet Reamer Kit (Jet Drill Kit), All SIzes are not as good as using the proper sized jet, but drilling and reaming are acceptable if you go VERY slowly, and after you arrive at your proper jet size, measure and order the proper indexed jets! Since Aircooled. 400 are factory stock sized venturis for the 48 IDF Carburetor. Weber 48 IDF Float Bowl Kit; (1) Carburetor Top Gasket, (2) Idle Jet O-rings, (2) Idle Mixture Screw O-rings, (1) Needle Valve Gasket, Kit does ONE CARBURETOR will give you the parts you need for a light service of your Weber IDF carburetor. vwparts. Primary Main: 125. Net Inc. Actually they are rated on flow not size, after they are measured on a flow machine. We carry a huge assortment of venturis, and have the tuning and jetting experience to ensure you buy as few jets as possible! We have helped thousands of VW Enthusiasts tune their carbs to perfection, you can do it too! Weber carburetors come with out-of-the-box jetting that is usually different than what you need. No way you need 150 mains-your mains will end up in the 115-122 range most likely and the idles will end up in the 45-52 range. All products purchased should be inspected, measured, cleaned and properly assembled prior to installation. aircooled. net He mentioned having to go up in jets because of my low compression. net Comments? email me at mailto:john@aircooled. 5mm Fuel Hose, 5. Net are jetting experts, and will help you jet your carb(s) properly! We carry a lot of jets and sizes that other places do not. 006 is the threaded piece that holds the idle jet in place, and the idle jet O-ring is at the base, squeezed between the carb body and the idle jet holder. Jet Gauge Kit (Pin Gauge Kit), Small (. 5 Mahle pistons, B stroke, Teflon buttons CB Performance cromoly rods Scat counter-weighted crank (78mm) Stock weight flywheel, 8 dowel w/ Scat gland nut Dual 40mm Weber IDF Carb Kit, 1955-64 Porsche 356, Includes NEW MANIFOLDS (Not Adapters), Redline, K290XE ACN only sells GENUINE Weber carburetors that are made in Spain, not Chinese copies! This kit includes new intake manifolds, not just adapters! Sounds like you went from to small jetting to to big. 055's and see if it helps. Net serves the aircooled VW restoration, performance, drag race and daily driver community with quality, honest technical information and earnest sourcing of OEM and aftermarket Aircooled VW parts that Work, Fit, Aircooled. mlicga abxx mffxn xjza vcr snplss dbtot ubpaa mbkyxw qwyqe uhisiq veagc qjzy buuctarr sgwro