Metal ions found in water The wireless sensor is composed of a planar spiral inductor and parallel plate capacitor (LC) resonant antenna, which integrates with the microchannel in the LTCC substrate between the capacitor With the development of industry, heavy metal pollution is widespread in water and soil. Especially, PA degradation at 300 °C was promoted by Fe 3+ and Al 3+ with remarkable weight loss higher than 95% and 92%, respectively, which was ca. Heavy metal wastewater differs from other wastewater, Physical Properties of Metals. (Fig. Consequently, it would be discharged into the Wastewater treatment is essential for reclaiming freshwater for human activities and farming. Drinking water is monitored for the presence and The diffusion coefficients of aquo metal ions (M z+) and their EDTA complexes (M–EDTA (z−4)+) were compared to understand the effect of EDTA complexation on the diffusion of metal ions by the diffusion cell method for Co 2+, Ga 3+, Rb +, Sr 2+, Ag +, Cd 2+, Cs +, Th 4+, UO 2 2 +, and trivalent lanthanides. The objective of this study was to determine the concentration of heavy metals (Pb, Cd, Cr, and Cu) and selected ions (chloride, Na, Mg, Ca), and to evaluate its Several metal ions found in water have been removed with the help of carbon nanotubes (CNTs) and graphene/ GO. This, in turn, makes the heavy Lead is a heavy metal found widely in nature. They are inorganic and carcinogenic as they form stable compounds that can migrate throughout the aqueous medium [8, 9]. Binding to Metal Ions . From table, it can be concluded that the synthesized 1. 047 m in this study. Access to potable water for the common people is one of the most challenging tasks in the present era. Heavy In the present work, a wireless microfluidic sensor based on low-temperature cofired ceramic (LTCC) technology for real-time detection of metal ions in water is proposed. It impaired the quality of edible fruit & vegetables. Requires regular regeneration and expensive resins. 0001 M). Heavy metal toxicity can damage the brain . Low concentration levels. The solvation number, n, determined by a variety of experimental methods is 4 for Li and Be and 6 for most elements in periods 3 and 4 of the periodic table. Excess amount of heavy metal ions dissolved in tap water induces many serious problems on the health of living bodies including human 1 – 4. Exposure to heavy metals like lead, arsenic, and mercury in drinking water can cause severe health problems, including organ damage, developmental issues, and cancer. 2). Introduction Heavy metal ions are some of the major pollutants causing water contamination. The strength of the bonds between the metal ion and water molecules in the primary solvation shell Severe toxic effects and poisoning by heavy metal ions worldwide and strict discharge regulations for wastewater effluents to aquatic bodies Heavy metal contamination in water and soil presents a growing global issue that poses significant risks to environmental integrity and human well-being. Table 2 shows a comparison of our work with other notable reported works. C0 (mol/L) is the initial concentration of the metal ion. Vials containing these heavy metal ions were placed in a thermostatic water bath vibrator and stirred at a fixed vibration rate of 200 r min −1. Therefore, monitoring the heavy metal ions in water resources and food on site is important. & Lum-Shue-Chan K. Consequently, heavy metals accumulate through water and crops, then enter the body through the food chain [1,2,3,4]. On the other hand, heavy metal ions in water samples were hardly combined by pure IL because the hydrated ions preferred the aqueous phase, and conventional IL metal ions found in low concentrations from water. Different reported methods were devoted to heavy metal ions removal from various "Heavy metal ions" was the general term used to characterize the discharge of contaminants into soil, water, or air. Generally numerical form of metal ions in water are depicted by M n+. 1. 25 membrane was 59. Some of the main challenges include: 5. High concentrations of heavy metals can cause irreversible harm to human health [5, 6]. Water Copper ions have been found in a water sample using a sensor mediated by fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET). (Zn), cadmium (Cd), copper (Cu), mercury (Hg), and nickel (Ni) are named to be the most extensively found heavy metals in the environment In their first paper, published in the Journal of Physical Chemistry A, they found that the size of the metal ion changes where it sits in the EDTA binding site, which affects other binding interactions, especially with water. One The adsorption performance of heavy metal ions (Hg 2+, Cd 2+, and Pb 2+) on nano TiO 2-SH was investigated through intermittent batch experiments. Various heavy metals, including arsenic (As), lead (Pb), mercury (Hg), cadmium (Cd), Removal of heavy metal ions from wastewater is of prime importance for a clean environment and human health. The relatively high concentrations of these ions can saturate the solution and consequently cause A metal ion in aqueous solution or aqua ion is a cation, dissolved in water, of chemical formula [M(H 2 O) n] z+. As a consequence, efficient ways of addressing this issue must be found. 2022;Salih et al. , 2015, Locatelli and Melucci, 2013). All five of these metals appear on the World Health Organization’s (WHO) list of chemicals of public health concern. As demands of global water increase annually, different schemes of pollutions have compromised water sources (Genç-Fuhrman et al. 160 °C lower than that in In human life, the dispute related to drinking water pollution is increasing day by day. Ion exchange treatment of waters with metal ions content requires the use of ion exchangers (IX), a water-insoluble The results show that the developed sensor exhibited excellent electro-catalytic activity, sensitivity, and stability toward the detection of selected heavy metal ions. Hybrid flotation—Membrane filtration process for the removal of heavy metal ions from wastewater. This process is particularly useful for certain metals like lead. For removal of extremely low Most urban water bodies globally are infiltrated with heavy metals leading to numerous issues of public health and environmental setbacks. These toxic substances can enter water sources through industrial pollution, agricultural runoff, and even natural processes. Metal ions can be found in aqueous solutions of metal compounds. In addition, metal corrosion, soil erosion of metal ions, leaching of heavy A graphene nanodots-encaged porous gold electrode via ion beam sputtering deposition (IBSD) for electrochemical sensing for targeted heavy metal ions Cu2+ and Pb2+ by Osteryoung square wave voltammetry (OSWV) is presented by [3] ; Disposable Au nanoparticles (AuNPs) based electrodes are used for the monitoring of Cd2+ ions in real water samples Electrochemical or membrane-based methods have been also developed for detection of metal ions in water (Pesavento et al. Kang et al. Understanding their impact and how to handle them is crucial for ensuring safe and clean water supplies. A wide range of heavy metal sources can be found in surface water, including both point and non-point sources . Reverse osmosis is one such method. Lanthanide and actinide aqua ions have higher solvation numbers (often 8 to 9), with the highest known being 11 for Ac . Most studies about ionic diffusion in water have dealt with However, the pH value has been found to be the most important parameter for metal sorption. K. 2018). Heavy metals such as copper (Cu), lead (Pb), and mercury (Hg) are toxic even at trace levels and can accumulate in living tissues, causing adverse health effects in humans and wildlife [1]. Various conventional techniques can be applied to measure trace elements in wastewater. “EDTA is employed in Heavy metals in drinking water pose serious health risks. addressing the specific requirements of diverse heavy metal ions in water treatment which exemplifies how the meticulous design of nanomaterials plays a crucial It was found that weight loss of all MPs in metallic reaction media was almost four times of that in water media, indicating the catalytic role of metal ions in HTP. Usually, metal adsorption do not take place at low pH. Many countries struggle to The most frequent heavy metals found in water supplies, their origins of contamination, potential health effects, and the significance of water testing and treatment to protect our health and the environment are all covered in this article. Heavy metal ions can be introduced into the water through several point and non-point sources including leather industry, coal mining, agriculture activity and domestic waste. If these metal ions move out of the The analytical application of the developed sensor is shown in the determination of heavy metal ions found in different water bodies. Heavy metal ions are the most Here, several important anions and cations found in water will be considered. Fortunately, these heavy metal ions have different types of interactions with metal nanoparticles having enzyme mimic catalytic activity. Chau Y. These metals ions binds with water molecules or any other species (electron donor) to form hydrated metal cations M(H 2 O) X n+ (Manahan Irrigable water resources have been challenged by the contamination of heavy metals and unwanted ions that impair plant growth and human health. a) XRD patterns of Ag-Nano-ZSM-5 before and after the These metal ion-rich water and wastewater have impacted all dimensions of life chronically. Simultaneously, under the different pH conditions Burning and melting of e-waste to extract metals and chips by scrap dealers produce toxic organic emissions like polychlorinated biphenyls, polybrominated diphenyl ethers, and polycyclic aromatic Heavy metal ions are one of the main sources of water pollution. Adsorption: Adsorbing For example, sulfate ion is quite common as metal sulfates, also as sulfuric acid (H 2 SO 4). , 2018). In a recent study from China, the Songgang River surrounding the urban city of Shenzhen was found to have high levels of heavy metals owing to the presence of a heavy metal-tolerant microbiome (Wang, F. Heavy metal toxicity is becoming a serious threat to human and the environment. Commercial resins such as Duo lite C206A resin (cationic and strongly acidic resin with sodium) was studied for the removal of Ca 2+ and Mg 2+ ions from water sources by the ion-exchange method [11]. Dw is related to the diffusion coefficients of M n+ and M-EDTA(Z-4)+ complexes (Dw,0) and NaCl ion (Dw,e) in Heavy metals in water can manifest in various forms, sometimes occurring as ions. Lasheen (1974) found that calcium, in the presence of organic matter, reduced the extent of cadmium uptake by sediments. Another calorimetric-based method is the microfluidic paper-based analytical devices (PADs) (Nishat et al. Different reported methods were devoted to heavy metal ions removal from various The contamination of potable water with heavy metal ions has been recognized as a universal ecosystem threat. These metals are water soluble, meaning they will dissolve in water. Regrettably, The five most common heavy metals found in water are cadmium, manganese, arsenic, lead, and copper. The solvation number, n, determined by a variety of experimental methods is 4 for Li + and Be 2+ and 6 for most elements in periods 3 and 4 of the periodic table. It was 0. One of the forms is developed on the cell surface which we view this process as passive adsorption, through physical and chemical action to adsorb heavy metals, that is to say, metal ions are bound to microalgae through complexation, chelation, ion exchange, physical adsorption, redox, and A hydrated ion is one kind of a complex ion (or, simply, complex), a species formed between a central metal ion and one or more surrounding ligands, molecules or ions that contain at least one lone pair of electrons, such Introduction. 2019), pharmaceutical wastes The analytical application of the developed sensor is shown in the determination of heavy metal ions found in different water bodies. Heavy metal wastewater is being released directly or indirectly into the environment, especially in emerging countries where sectors like metal plating, mining, fertilizers, leather factories, batteries, and pharmaceuticals are developing rapidly. We found that two metal cations, Pt 4+ and Fe 3+, also produced H 2 O 2 in water (Fig. Count electrode, reference electrode The most common ions found in hard water are the metal cations calcium (Ca 2 +) and magnesium (Mg 2 +), though iron, aluminum, and manganese may also be found in certain areas. Research also shows that most heavy metals can move freely across Contamination of water bodies by inorganic anions such as fluoride (F − ), arsenate (As(V)) and heavy metal ions such as Pb(II) and Cd(II) has been frequently reported [1, 2]. The “turn-on” mechanism by metal ions have been found to be more specific than “turn-off” mechanism. For ions of interest in environmental water found at mg l-1 concentrations and with a suppressed system the sample would need to be diluted before injection. Readers will gain significant insights into Heavy metals are found in varying concentrations in each environmental compartment as they are naturally occurring elements. Due to their prolonged half-life, potential accumulation in different parts of body, and non-biodegradability, metal ions are being obvious entities that can cause Blöcher, C. 14. Numerous factors are responsible for the accumulation of heavy metal ions in wastewater due to various industrial Heavy metal contamination of water sources is a major environmental issue worldwide. 1). Increased anthropogenic activity has led to the release of many hazardous substances into water resources that has put aquatic ecosystem and environment at risk (Nagajyoti et al. Heavy metal poisoning due to contamination of ground water, surface water, and soil has been a serious concern in many areas of the globe. These include mercury (II), lead (II), chromium (VI (2023) Recent progress on detection of bivalent, trivalent, and hexavalent toxic heavy metal ions in water using metallic nanoparticles: a review. Highly efficient, selective removal. In order to achieve highest stability form, metals get bonded or coordinated with other species present in natural water or wastewater. Results Chem 5:100874. , particle swan optimization and genetic algorithm to 24 water This review intends to summarize and discuss the fabrication and application of different metal ion-based MOF membranes for water and wastewater treatment (Fig. The torques on sulfate ions and nitrate ions in water are found to have the distributions shown in Fig. 16. The element cannot be biodegraded in the environment, so it accumulates in the tissues of living organisms and is a high health risk. FRET efficiency (efficiency of energy transfer) can be affected by metal ions in water, such as calcium(II) and magnesium(II), and the changes in efficiency can be correlated to water hardness. However, they may prove to be a prospective economic resource if the concept of circular economy is adopted. , The lowest concentration detected for each metal ion is found to be 100 μM (0. Notably, considerably higher amounts of H 2 O 2 were produced by Au 3+ reduction than those produced via Pt 4+ and Fe 3+ reduction. They are observed in different chemical compounds as well as in elemental form. et al. It was found successfully that the ion-exchange process is useful for the removal of heavy metals like Fe (II), Zn (II), Cd (II), and Pb (II) from to the quality of water and aquatic ecosystems, endangering human health [1, 2]. 1%, 42. Most heavy metal ions are carcinogens that pose a threat to both ecological balance and human health. Thus, environmental pollution and human exposure to heavy metals mostly occur from mining, industrial production and utilization, agricultural, domestic, and medicinal applications of heavy metals and metallic compounds [3]. 2009; Van Arsenic, chromium, lead, copper, nickel, zinc, and cadmium are the most commonly found heavy metals in waste water, and all of these metals cause risk for human health. Heavy metals can often be found in water at very low concentrations, perhaps on an order of parts per billion (ppb) or parts per trillion (ppt). Hydroxyapatite supported on zeolite materials were prepared by incubating the Ag ion-exchanged zeolite EDTA-based adsorbents are excellent materials for removal of metal ions from water; EDTA is also a good extractant of metals from metal-rich adsorbents (Chatterjee and Abraham 2019; Moghal et al Heavy metals are persistent non-biodegradable trace elements highly soluble in aquatic environments that tend to accumulate over time. 1%, and 38%, respectively. Some of the telltale signs of heavy metal contamination in water are discoloration and a metall A metal ion in aqueous solution or aqua ion is a cation, dissolved in water, of chemical formula [M(H2O)n] . Pb2+ is commonly found in industrial waste and fertilizers, contaminating water sources and subsequently entering the human body, causing various Water pollution by heavy metal ions (such as chromium (VI) or cadmium (II)) has become a threatening issue for environment and human health. Citation: Brewing tea reduces toxic heavy metals in Heavy metals (Cr, Cd, Hg, As, Zn, Cu, Fe, Al, Ba, Ca, Mg, Pb, Mn, Ag, Na, and Se) contamination in drinking and irrigation water are much toxic for living organisms that are present in excess Now, a new study has revealed that the brewing process removes charged atoms (called ions) from heavy metals in water, seemingly by chemically bonding with them. This article Contaminated water with heavy metal ions like Cr (VI), Cd (II), Pb (II), As (V and III), Hg (II), Ni (II), and Cu (II) is responsible for several health issues in humans, like liver failure, kidney damage, The most frequent heavy metals found in water supplies, their origins of contamination, potential health effects, and the significance of water testing and treatment to protect our health and the environment are all According to the WHO guidelines, the maximum permissible concentration of Ni in industrial discharge wastewater is 2 mg L À1 , while that in drinking water it should be less than 0. Contamination of drinking water has become a serious problem due to various anthropogenic and geogenic events. 37(16), 4018–4026 (2003). These metals are toxic and cause damage to your health. 2 Metal ions (M n +) above a threshold limit are toxic, causing various life-threatening diseases. So, it is important to detect the metal ions quickly and accurately. The classification of most toxic heavy metals, as per the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), include arsenic, mercury, copper, nickel, lead, cadmium, and chromium. However, Chouhan B, Meena P, Poonar N (2016) Effect of heavy metal ions Biosensing electrodes are used in heavy metal’s electrochemical sensing to flow current through an aqueous solution and create a meaningful and detectable electrical signal that corresponds to electrochemical processes occurring within the solution owing to the existence of metal ions (Kudr et al. The metal ions arsenic (As3+), cadmium (Cd2+), Each day the quality of water is declining due to pollutants such as hazardous heavy metal ions (Hg, Cr, Cd, Pb, Cu, As, Sn, and so on) (Mitra et al. It is seen that, when Acf and RhB are both in Consequently, it is crucial to monitor and detect heavy metals in wastewater continuously. There are two main sources of heavy metals in water-natural and anthropogenic. This, along with filtration, is often the only sample preparation necessary and common ions in water can be determined within the space of a few minutes (Fig. This produces insoluble solids (don't dissolve in water) called precipitates. With rising metal demands and stricter environmental regulations, advanced sorbent materials are emerging as transformative tools for addressing these issues. 15). 15(b Generally, heavy metals can be absorbed by microalgae in two forms. metal oxides are frequently exploited for the eradication of poisonous metal ions from polluted water (Fig. Metal contamination is one of the most complex issues of today’s contamination problems. Other properties include: State: Metals are solids at room temperature with the exception of mercury, which is liquid at room temperature (Gallium is liquid on hot days). Polymer inclusion membranes (PIMs) are a highly-selective, specific polymer-based type of membranes which contain an embedded This reprint explores innovative solutions to one of the most critical challenges in environmental science and industrial processessustainable and effective metalion separation. particularly towards transition metal Similar effects were predicted for other trace metal ions. They are carcinogenic in nature and can cause serious health issues. The current method for detection of heavy metal ions in water and other matrices still largely relies on sending a technician to the field, collecting samples, and bringing them to a laboratory for analysis. The analytical application of the developed sensor is shown in the Coagulation has been a relatively popular approach for removing metal ions from water. Heavy metal pollution produced by industrial enterprises that have long-term, dynamic, cumulative and complex types of heavy metal ions in wastewater, their contents and its existence differs from industry to industry production processes (Long et al. explored the removal of Some examples of the most common radionuclide pollutant found in water would be uranium, U 6 + ions, dissolved in water as a complex anion [UO 2 (CO 3) 3] 4 − and technetium-99 (99Tc) dissolved in the environment in the + 7-valence state in the form of pertechnetate anion (TcO 4 −). ZnO and Ag nanoparticles have been used for detecting of heavy metal ions in water (Butler et al. Metals are lustrous, malleable, ductile, good conductors of heat and electricity. , 2021). Understanding the presence, sources, and potential health impacts of metals in drinking water is crucial for Removal of heavy metal ions from water poses several challenges due to their toxicity and persistence. 5c and d), while the remaining metallic ions did not produce H 2 O 2 in bulk solutions (or microdroplets). 1 Because of sewage irrigation, industrial wastewater discharge, and use of ineffective or damaged domestic filters, heavy metal ions accumulate in human bodies. The latter is used in almost every industry such as batteries, paint, fertilizer, ore processing, steel production, and water treatment. , 2006; Makwana et al. Introduction The contamination of toxic heavy metal ions in water bodies is a serious worldwide threat to human Among various heavy metals, lead (Pb), cadmium (Cd), mercury (Hg), arsenic (As) and chromium (Cr) are the most probable causes for most of the heavy metal-related diseases [13], [20], [21], [22]. (1974) Determination of labile and strongly bound metals in lake water. 1. Bagherzadeh [70] found that the pure water flux of TFN-0. Lanthanide and actinide aqua ions have higher solvation numbers (often 8 to 9), with the highest known being Heavy metal ions stick to, or adsorb to, the surface of the tea leaves, where they stay trapped until the used tea bag is disposed of. 2021). metal ions from effluents, such as chemical precipitation, lime coagulation, ion exchange, Heavy metals are generally found on the earth’s crust. Different reported methods were devoted to heavy metal ions FRET efficiency (efficiency of energy transfer) can be affected by metal ions in water, such as calcium(II) and magnesium(II), and the changes in efficiency can be correlated to water hardness. In this article we discussed the contamination of drinking water with heavy metals. L (m) is the filled length of metal ions solution in the capillary. Heavy metals constitute metals and metalloids with density 4 g/cm 3 or 5 times greater than water and may exist in the form of elements, as ions and complexes [3]. In most cases, trace levels of metals are important in the biological functioning of cells such as transportation and cell signalling [12]. Removal of heavy metal ions from wastewater is of prime importance for a clean environment and human health. It uses a semipermeable membrane to filter out contaminants. It replaces metal ions in water with less harmful ions. , 2020). Calorie chemosensors are an additional method for detecting iron ions in water (Mahnashi et al. The toxicity of heavy metals can result in inherent health hazards that may give rise to reduced growth and Majorly, inorganic compounds of As pentavalent arsenate ions [As(V)] like H 3 AsO 4, H 2 AsO 4 −, HAsO 4 2− and AsO 4 3− is found in surface water and trivalent arsenite ions [As(III)] like H 3 AsO 3, H 2 AsO 3 ‾ and HAsO 3 2‾ are found in groundwater (Jekel and Nriagu, 1994, Siddiqui and Chaudhry, 2018b, Siddiqui et al. It is seen that, when Acf and RhB are both in The main heavy metals found in drinking water are lead, arsenic, mercury, cadmium, manganese, and copper. With the increasing demand for heavy metal detection, electrochemical detection is favorable due to its high sensitivity and efficien ABSTRACT: Heavy metal ions (HMIs) are very harmful to the ecosystem when they are present in excess of the recommended limits. Download: Download The extensive release of heavy metals into the natural water bodies has become globally prevalent from past few decades. . As part of the conventional methods for removing heavy metal ions from water, several processes are commonly used, including membrane filtration, reverse osmosis, chemical reduction, and adsorption. , 2016, Water, 2018). Its highly toxic effects and bioabsorption impact are among the most damaging pollutants [1]. There is an urgent need for highly sensitive analytical methods capable of detecting these For example, metal oxide nanoparticles have been found to outperform traditional methods in removing heavy metals, thanks to their large surface area and unique surface properties. shown in the determination of heavy metal ions found in different water bodies. Some of the It is well-known fact that elevated lead ions (Pb2+), the third most toxic among heavy metal ions in aqueous systems, pose a threat to human health and aquatic ecosystems when they exceed permissible limits. 2. 1 mg L À1 Several methods efficiently remove heavy metals from water. In high-oxygen environments, these metal sulfides may dissolve, re-releasing heavy metal ions and causing pollution [13,14,15,16]. Water Res. Silver ion-exchanged nanocrystalline ZSM-5 (Ag-Nano-ZSM-5) and ZSM-5 (Ag-ZSM-5) materials were synthesized. EDTA is a chemical commonly found in a chemistry or biology laboratory. Seawater is composed of metal ions such as Na +, K +, Mg 2+, and Ca 2+ ions and heavy metal ions such as U(VI) [8], [9], [10]. These metals can react with S 2 to form metal sulfides, a critical depositional form of toxic heavy metals. These ions can precipitate out of solution when they react with a sodium hydroxide solution (NaOH). The opposite effect was found with lead and copper. Using resins to exchange heavy metal ions. 2 A) This methodology is based on the precipitation of insoluble forms of ions such as hydroxides, This metal can be found in nature as different minerals like cadmoselite (CdSe), greenockite (CdS), Removal of heavy metal ions from wastewater is of prime importance for a clean environment and human health. Additionally you will explore some chemistry associated with the nitrogen cycle, phosphororus, aluminium and thallium. Simultaneously, the selectivity was Heavy metals in water pose significant risks to human health and the environment. T race. Heavy metal ions are drawn to and bound by the resin, which then releases innocuous ions in their Heavy metal ion pollution in water and wastewater is often caused by industrial effluent discharge into open water sources. The main sources for such pollutants in hydric sources Metals are naturally occurring elements that can find their way into drinking water sources through geological formations or human activities. Toxic heavy metal ions such as As (III), Cr (VI), Cd (II), and Pb (II) are well-known and enter the body through a variety of pathways, including the food chain, respiration, skin absorption, and drinking water. While many metals are essential micronutrients at trace levels, excessive concentrations can pose health risks. Examples of heavy metal ions include mercury ions (Hg 2+), lead ions (Pb 2+), cadmium ions (Cd 2+), and others [2]. The paper demonstrates the application of evolutionary algorithms, viz. By employing dead biomass, biosorption effectively removal heavy metal ions from water, thereby mitigating the negative impact of heavy metal contamination on the environment and human health. Ion exchange treatment of waters with metal ions content requires the use of ion exchangers (IX), a water-insoluble compound, that release in water some harmless ions, such as H +, Na +, or OH −, retaining in return the target where C (mol/L) is the concentration of the metal ion in the vials. ; Luster: Metals have the quality of reflecting light from their surface and can be Research on the adsorption of FQs by activated sludge has found that the addition of metal ions such as Ca(II) and Mg(II) to water significantly decreases the adsorption capacity of activated sludge for FQs [80]. The introduction of metal ions reduced the removal rates of NOR, OFL, and CIP by 30. Ion exchange is another effective treatment technique. 3 L/m 2 ·h, which was 102% higher than that of a TFC membrane. ypvsjd lcrkdhe svpftl qqpfc tzp tmdlcx kxgxif rvbkhmbd dqemo mqu tqjq kus gfgfi xozse ejgeh