Mps staff directory. Counseling Staff Directory.
Mps staff directory us Oni Olufemi, 1st Grade Kelly Sue Ash, K4 Teacher Room 16 | ashk@milwaukee. Keyword First Name Last Name. Search for people on this page. Golda Meir Updates Whether or not you are an Milwaukee Public Schools employee or have a child enrolled at an MPS school, all of our community members have a vested interest in what goes on at MPS. us DeandraAaron Davis, Physical Education Room 113 | (414) 267-1364; Wesley Korpela, Library Room 205 5055 Saint Nicholas 31st Road, Rock, MI 49880 | Phone 906-359-4387 | Fax 906-359-4167 Milwaukee Public Schools 5225 W. wi. Anajah Aaron Special Education Assistant (Program) Bethune Elementary It is the policy of the Marlborough Public Schools not to discriminate on the basis of race, gender, religion, national origin, color, homelessness, sexual orientation, gender identity, age or disability in its education programs, services, activities or employment practices. Roles: Faculty & Staff Directory: By Department A listing of our staff directory by department. 28126; Ariana Gomez, School Social Worker Room 103 | gomezal@milwaukee. Bethany Beason . us Elizabeth Fulks (Tenney) Letter from Principal Amy Luehmann: About Us: Classroom Webpages: Non Classroom Staff: NSJ Family Engagement: School Newsletters Staff Directory Staff Directory. You can also view our staff directory by department. us Carrie Hubbard, School Psychologist (High School) Manchester Public Schools does not discriminate in any employment practice, education program, or educational activity on the basis of race, color, religious creed, sex, age, national origin, ancestry, marital status, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, disability (including, but not limited to, intellectual disability, past or present history of mental disorder, physical MPS Online School; Nellie Stone Johnson Elementary School; Northrop Elementary School; Pillsbury Elementary School; Pratt Elementary School; Staff Directory. us)Tara Floyd, School Support Teacher (raymontl@milwaukee. Titles: BUILDING/FLOATING PARA Locations: MANCHESTER PRESCHOOL CENTER Email: MICHELLE ACKERMAN . Administrative Staff Sean Baer IT Director Paula Dworakowski Attendance Beth Iadeluca Finance/Human Resources Regular Education. us 612. us | 414-902-7100 Thomas Boffeli, School Psychologist Room: Landing | boffeltl@milwaukee. Name: Title: Location: Technology Support Service; Technology Support Services; Search. Laurie Hodgdon . Sarah Beil About MPS Care Group. us Carrie Hackbart, Physical Education Department Chair (414) 212-2560 | hackbac@milwaukee. Growing a Greener District. Recognized as a highly skilled, dynamic senior executive, Sharon Subadan has a proven track record of building and leading effective teams, delivering effective results and implementing fiscally responsible budgets. Department. Every student in Mesa Public Schools is known by name, served by strength and need, and graduates ready for college, career and community. us Amber The Golda Meir staff seeks to create a stimulating environment where the potential of every student is challenged and rewarded. us Gretchen Leanna, Violin Duanna Barnes, Parent Coordinator Room 101M | glossodx@milwaukee. Locations: Andrews Middle School, McGlynn Middle School, Medford High School Staff Portal THE WESTBOROUGH PUBLIC SCHOOL SYSTEM DOES NOT DISCRIMINATE ON THE BASIS OF RACE, COLOR, RELIGION, NATIONAL ORIGIN, AGE, GENDER, GENDER IDENTITY, SEXUAL ORIENTATION, OR DISABILITY IN ADMISSION TO, ACCESS TO, EMPLOYMENT IN, OR TREATMENT IN ITS PROGRAMS AND ACTIVITIES. 457. Nicole Austin, SPED Grades 2nd-5th faustnl@milwaukee. us ) Alex Kuxhause, Principal Room: Main Office | kuxhauaj@milwaukee. Kim Bower. Paula Allshouse Chair, Mathematics Sean Baer IT Director Corey Badaracco Social Studies Becky Badders Mathematics Tanzanique Carrington, Principal harristc@milwaukee. us | (414) 875-5905 Lynn Blue, SPED Intervention Room: 433/104 | bluelr@milwaukee. Foto Nama Jawatan Tel Faks Emel Urus ; En. us Tiaa Taylor, 1st Grade Teacher Room 20 | boothet@milwaukee. Profile Type: Faculty; Program Director, Student Development Administration (SDA) Faculty & Staff Directory; Offices & Departments Directory; COVID-19 Response; Click to visit the home page. Donate Now. Keyword First Name Last Name Location 1 2 3 12 > showing 1 - 10 of 115 constituents. us; Lisa Schmidman, School Counselor schmidlj@milwaukee. us)Debbie Thomas, School Counselor (lewistda@milwaukee. us; Ty Moseler, Physical Education/Athletic Director moseleta@milwaukee. Tiktok; Threads; MPS Staff Directories. us)Corrie Porter, School Psychologist (porterca@milwaukee. Titles: NOON AIDE Locations: HIGHLAND ELEMENTARY SCHOOL DAVID AVILA . 48471. Anoop Ahluwalia Information Divisional Director of Administration, Mathematical and Physical Sciences Regular Education. us Laura Frombach, Grade 4 Room 24 | frombal@milwaukee. us; Mackenzie Freeman, School Psychologist freemaml@milwaukee. us)Camp Barbee Support Staff Heidi Adriansen , School Occupational Therapist ( adrianh1@milwaukee. us Vacant, Music Teacher; Grant Gehweiler, Library Media Specialist Library (Room 14) | gehweigj@milwaukee. Monroe Public Schools. Department 1 2 3 10 > showing 1 - 24 of 227 constituents. us Lisa Schmidman, School Counselor Room 19 | schmidlj@milwaukee. us Volunteering in MPS; Environmental Health & Safety Notification Information; Back to District; Students; Families; More. Building Use Permits. us)Julie Principe, School Social Worker (princije@milwaukee. Staff Directory. us Aretha Hutchins, 3rd Grade Teacher Regular Education. Calendar; Staff Directory; Close Schools. ma. us Zhi (Eric) Zhang, Orchestra & Piano MAJLIS PERBANDARAN SELAYANG, Menara MPS Persiaran 3, Bandar Baru Selayang, 68100 Batu Caves, Selangor. District Notice of Non-Discrimination: The Millard School District does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, marital status, disability, age, sex, sexual orientation, gender, gender identity, or on any other basis prohibited by federal, state, or local laws in admission to or access to or treatment of employment, in its programs and activities. us Scott Sobczak, School Social Worker (sobczasa@milwaukee. Manchester Public Schools does not discriminate in any employment practice, education program, or educational activity on the basis of race, color, religious creed, sex, age, national origin, ancestry, marital status, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, disability (including, but not limited to, intellectual disability, past or present history of mental disorder, physical Joleen Schwarz, Head Start K3 Room 112 | (414) 267-0675 | schwarjm@milwaukee. Mark Datthyn, Grade 5 Room 22 | datthym1@milwaukee. Tyrone Gauger, K3 Head Start Room 3 | gaugerta@milwaukee. Click below for the elementary staff directory: Staff Directory. Support Staff. MAXIMINO ACOSTA . MESA Program Coordinator SELAYANG MUNICIPAL COUNCIL, Menara MPS Persiaran 3, Bandar Baru Selayang, 68100 Batu Caves, Selangor. Jessica Agosto, 1st Grade (Bilingual) Irene Alarcon, 2nd Grade (Bilingual) Desi Aulet Reyes, K3 (Bilingual) Julie Biernat, 4th Grade (Monolingual); Monica Czyzewski, 1st Grade (Monolingual); Linh T. MPS 411 (Staff Directory) Office 365. Titles: Security Monitor Locations: Medford High School Departments: Buildings and Grounds Email: David Ambrose MPS Egg Farms is a Food Production company located in 800 Wabash Road, North Manchester, IN 46962, US with 74 employees. 1 2 3 5 > showing 1 - 25 of 110 constituents. Marlborough High School 431 Bolton Street Marlborough, MA 01752 Phone (508) 460-3500 Fax (508) 460 Longfellow Alternative High School; Loring Nicollet Alternative School (opens in new window/tab); Menlo Park Academy (opens in new window/tab); Metro Education Services; MERC Alternative High School (opens in new window/tab); Minneapolis Academy and Career Center (MACC) Longfellow Alternative High School; Loring Nicollet Alternative School (opens in new window/tab); Menlo Park Academy (opens in new window/tab); Metro Education Services; MERC Alternative High School (opens in new window/tab); Minneapolis Academy and Career Center (MACC) District Notice of Non-Discrimination: The Millard School District does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, marital status, disability, age, sex, sexual orientation, gender, gender identity, or on any other basis prohibited by federal, state, or local laws in admission to or access to or treatment of employment, in its programs and activities. Ed. us | (414) 616-5235 David Dettmann, Physical Education Teacher Room: 131A | dettmad MPS Online School; Nellie Stone Johnson Elementary School; Northrop Elementary School; Pillsbury Elementary School; Pratt Elementary School; Staff Directory. 1 2 3 > showing 1 - 12 of 28 constituents. MPS; Two-Year Thesis Track; One-Year Capstone Track; MPS to MD; Course Descriptions; Academic Calendar; One Year Capstone; Two Years Academic Calender Megan Burkett, School Psychologist blacklmm@milwaukee. Lymari Echevarria, 6th – 8th Grade Quick links for Milwaukee Public Schools staff, including: Infinite Campus, Staff Mail, Employee Self Service and more. us Amber Coggs, Violence Free Zone (VFZ) Room 216 | coggsan@milwaukee. Mary Adamaley Assistant Principal, Burroughs Burroughs Regular Education. You can also view an alphabetical listing of our staff directory. MPS News; Staff Directory; MPS Organization Chart; Board of Education" Board of Education; Departments" Academics; Athletics; Career Tech; Child Nutrition Program; Technology Support Services Staff Directory. Staff. Titles: CAFETERIA HOURLY Locations: MARTIN ELEMENTARY SCHOOL, BUCKLEY ELEMENTARY SCHOOL Email: MORYAM BADIRU . Vliet Laura Makula-Zimmerman, Art Teacher Room 2 | makulall@milwaukee. Meet our Team . us Elizabeth Leichtle, Grades 2 Room 14 | leichtea@milwaukee. E-mail: ASKMCPS@mcpsmd. Keyword Role. Elizabeth Burriss: Special Education Instructional Assistant. Site Map Accessibility Login. Accessibility; Notice of Nondiscrimination; Stay Connected. us Devin Deveau (Marsh) dndeveau@methuen. TALIAN AM 03-6126 5800 TALIAN BEBAS TOL 1800 222 677 FAKS 03-6138 8933 E-MEL aduanmps@mps. Vliet Street Milwaukee, WI 53208 Switchboard: (414) 475-8393 MPS Online School; Nellie Stone Johnson Elementary School; Northrop Elementary School; Pillsbury Elementary School; Pratt Elementary School; Staff Directory. MPS Staff Directory; Munis Instructions; Munis Self Serve (opens in new window/tab) Pay Schedule 2022-2023 (opens in new window/tab) Professional Development Request to be Absent FORM; Professional Development Request to be Absent Procedure (opens in new window/tab) Protraxx (opens in new window/tab) Request to be Absent FORM Erin Swezey, MPS, MA. Interventions. Alonzo Fuller, Principal (fullerax@milwaukee. GENERAL LINE 03-6126 5800 TOL-FREE LINE 1800 222 677 FAX 03-6138 8933 Kaitlyn Disalvo, School Psychologist Room: 10N | disalvk@milwaukee. Yvette Campbell. Muenzer, MD, PhD Director, Muenzer MPS Center Bryson Distinguished Professor : Kim Stephens, DBA Executive Director, Muenzer MPS Center : Clinical Providers. p: 231-720-2450. The Department of Communications & Marketing works to promote Milwaukee Public Schools, provide the community with important information about MPS and seek support (human capital and financial) to support the students, programs and projects of Milwaukee Public Schools. Titles: SPEECH & LANGUAGE Locations: HIGHLAND ELEMENTARY SCHOOL Email: STACEY AMENDE . Directory. *Updated* MPS Wellness Policy *NEW* Mrs. AMY ALEXANDER . us | (414) 902-8305 Wigma Duellman, Assistant Principal Room 116 | duelmawi@milwaukee. NAME TITLE EMAIL PHONE. Vanetta Collins, 8th Grade Science/Social Studies Room: 318 | (414) 212-3421 | collinvx@milwaukee. Access MPS Egg Farms's email format and MPS Egg Farms staff directory for direct contact details of 74 employees. Joseph Kobza, Superintendent. Titles: Principal Locations: Curtis-Tufts High School Departments: Building Administration Email: Timothy Morris . Instructional Assistant, Pre-K 4. 8890. us Regular Education. us)Wanita Johnson, Parent Coordinator (johnw3@milwaukee. us; Cindy Williams, School Counselor williac1@milwaukee. Supervisor of Physical Education, Health, FCS and Wellness. us Hannah Walsh, School Psychologist (Elementary) Room 212 | walshhm@milwaukee. Mesa Public Schools 63 East Main Street Mesa, AZ 85201 480-472-0200. 1 2 > showing 1 - 30 of 54 constituents. GENERAL LINE 03-6126 5800 TOL-FREE LINE 1800 222 677 FAX 03-6138 8933 TALIAN AM 03-6126 5800 EMAIL aduanmps@mps. Titles: GRADE 4 TEACHER Roles: Faculty & Staff Locations: VERPLANCK ELEMENTARY Locations: Andrews Middle School, McGlynn Middle School, Medford High School District Notice of Non-Discrimination: The Millard School District does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, marital status, disability, age, sex, sexual orientation, gender, gender identity, or on any other Staff Directory - MPS is one of the highest paying districts in the state, always topping Oklahoma's average teacher salary (according to ZipRecruiter 2025). TLC. Live Chat. Cristina Anderson-Swift Teacher, Elementary MPS Online K-5 MPS Online K-5, Counselors Tamara Jose Trejo, Principal Room 101D | trejojd@milwaukee. 612-668-1450, Fax 612-668-1427 Staff Directory. Showing results for "Professor named Smith at Longfellow Alternative High School; Loring Nicollet Alternative School (opens in new window/tab); Menlo Park Academy (opens in new window/tab); Metro Education Services; MERC Alternative High School (opens in new window/tab); Minneapolis Academy and Career Center (MACC) MPS News; Staff Directory; MPS Organization Chart; Board of Education" Board of Education; Departments" Academics; Athletics; Career Tech; Child Nutrition Program; MPS Staff Technology Help; MPS Edgenuity Help Resource Site; Apple iPad Teacher Tips; InsideMPS; Performance Matters; Spur; Professional Development Calendar; College Ave Campus 77 Hamilton St New Brunswick, NJ 08901. Keyword First Name Last Name Department 1 2 3 5 > showing 1 - 24 of 115 constituents. Methuen Public Schools Website. 668. Rossa, Andrew: Assistant Director/Manager of Operations 414-475-8942 Staff Directory. First Name Last Name Location Constituent. Titles: Para - Instructional Tutor Locations: Curtis-Tufts High School MPS Staff Resources; Academics. 1 2 3 > showing 1 - 25 of 63 constituents. 5432 MPS Staff IT Resources; Tech PD Request; Transportation. Find Us. Longfellow School is committed to working with parents to provide a school climate that, together with a broadened base of community support, promotes academic excellence. Tess Allen: Special Education Instructional Assistant. us Monique Haralson, Transition Coordinator Room 202 | haralsmx@milwaukee. Facebook: Twitter: Instagram: LinkedIn Staff Directory. Rudina Ademaj . us)Haley Boyd, Speech-Language Pathologist Gail Jaeger, Parent Coordinator Room 307B | mossergj@milwaukee. us); Megan Pokorney, School Psychologist Matt Bonasch, School Psychologist (bonascme@milwaukee. Titles: Para - Instructional Tutor (TLP) Locations: Missituk Elementary School Departments: Special Education Email: Missouri Ammons . Maypearl Primary Staff. al. CWS school-based staff nourish our students daily in cafeterias districtwide and can Number: 334-223-6700 Email: webmaster@mps. Whether or not you are an Milwaukee Public Schools employee or have a child enrolled at an MPS school, all of our community members have a vested interest in what goes on at MPS. us)Christa Keys-Richardson, Kitchen Manager Stephanie Morgan, Principal Main Office | (414) 294-2205 | morgansa@milwaukee. k12 Kristina Carstens, SPED Grades K4-1st carstekm@milwaukee. us Grace Ochidi, Grade 2 MPS Staff Resources; Academics. us Abby Kolczaski, School Psychologist (kolczaa@milwaukee. Attendance 231-720-2097. Teachscape. us Olufolakemi Omoruyi, Grade 1 Room 215 | (414) 267-0674 | omoruyo@milwaukee. HOME Staff Directory. Staff Directory Find a staff member . us Doreen Lopez, Library Media Specialist Library | loped2@milwaukee. k12. gov. us ) Administrative Official Directory. us. Karon Ajilore Special Education Assistant (Program) Hiawatha Elementary MPS Online School; Nellie Stone Johnson Elementary School; Northrop Elementary School; Pillsbury Elementary School; Pratt Elementary School; Staff Directory. Use the website search function to find specific information or search the Department Directory. Supervisor of Physical Education, Health, FCS and Wellness K-12 Jeff Osgood- jyosgood@methuen. Name Staff Directory: Alphabetical An alphabetical listing of our staff directory. TONI ABRAHAMSON . f: 231-720-2490. Appointed Officials: Interim Superintendent Eduardo Galvan Phone: (414) 475-8001 M. us Kara Waddell, Speech-Language Pathologist Room 4 | MPS Policies (opens in new window/tab) Strategic Plan. Vliet Street Milwaukee, WI 53208 Switchboard: (414) 475-8393 Abbi Hicks, School Psychologist Room: 208 | hicka2@milwaukee. Mary Fitzgerald: Special Education Instructional Assistant. us Robert Comp, Physical Education Teacher Gymnasium | compra@milwaukee. Sr Azam Bin Mohamad Menara MPS Persiaran 3, Bandar Baru Selayang, 68100 Batu Caves, Selangor. School Improvement Plan and State Report Card. – Chief of Staff Phone: (414) 475-8567 Email: chambep1@milwaukee. my: Tn. Budget & Financial Planning. us Sonja Djukic, K4 Room 17 | djukicss@milwaukee. us); Edwin Conner, Assistant Principal (connere@milwaukee. us Jessica Schmidt, SpEd Supervisor Room: Office | schmidjl@milwaukee. Athletics/Pool Calendar (opens in new window/tab) Public Records Request; MPS News; Staff Directory. Call: 240-740-3000 | Spanish Hotline: 240-740-2845. us; Anne Hegwood, Food Service Assistant Staff Directory Staff Directory. Manchester Public Schools does not discriminate in any employment practice, education program, or educational activity on the basis of race, color, religious creed, sex, age, national origin, ancestry, marital status, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, disability (including, but not limited to, intellectual disability, past or present history of mental disorder, physical Staff Directory. my Longfellow Alternative High School; Loring Nicollet Alternative School (opens in new window/tab); Menlo Park Academy (opens in new window/tab); Metro Education Services; MERC Alternative High School (opens in new window/tab); Minneapolis Academy and Career Center (MACC). us Michaeleen Wilmsen Open Position, School Counselor Britney Kidd, School Social Worker (wilkinbm@milwaukee. us Denise Smith, K4 Room 115 | (414) 267-0652 | smithdr@milwaukee. us)Tracie Burnside, School Nurse (burnsit@milwaukee. Thu Nguyen Information Dean of Mathematical and Physical Sciences Information Associate Dean for Program Development, Mathematical and Physical Sciences (MPS); Associate Professor of Professional Practice, SAS 848-445-6624. Employee MPS News; Staff Directory; MPS Organization Chart; Board of Education" Board of Education; Departments" Academics; Athletics; Career Tech; Child Nutrition Program; MPS Staff Technology Help; MPS Edgenuity Help Resource Site; Apple iPad Teacher Tips; InsideMPS; Performance Matters; Spur; Professional Development Calendar; School Directory - Minneapolis Public School District. us)Paris Rawlinson, Mobile Trauma Team School Social Worker Staff Directory. us Jackson Fahey, Music (414) 212-2467 | faheyj@milwaukee. Titles: PARA SPED CLASSROOM Locations: BUCKLEY ELEMENTARY SCHOOL SHIRLEY BABIEC . Access MPS's email format and MPS staff directory for direct contact details of 3,731 employees. Support Staff Keri Koepke , School Support Teacher ( koepkekh@milwaukee. Titles: Teacher Email: Jessica Benton . Titles: District Diagnostician Email: Vicki Coonrod . Community Resources. Calendar; Staff Directory; Staff Directory. us Catherine Bronikowski, School Support Teacher Room 243 | bronikcm@milwaukee. Staff Directory; Events; Newsletters; For Schools; College Readiness; American Indian Parent Advisory Committee; MPS Online School (K-12) 1250 West Broadway Avenue 55411. us Akeisla Bostick, K5 Teacher Room 10 | bosticac@milwaukee. At MPS Care Group we aim to provide a comfortable, safe and homely environment for all of our residents. simon@mpls. us); Sarah Kmetty, School Psychologist (jenkins@milwaukee. Early Childhood; Staff Directory. Director: Dr. us); Britney Kidd, School Social Worker (wilkinbm@milwaukee. Request Information. 1 2 > showing 1 - 30 of 43 constituents. Close Menu. Select a School. Trent Beauchine, GE Fabrication Lab beauchtt@milwaukee. Shannon Jones; Phone: 414-345-6637 Fax: 414-345-6609 Email: Location: School Safety and Milwaukee Public Schools Building Operations Service Center The Department of School Safety & Security promotes safe and secure learning and working environments by providing well-trained and effective school safety and security personnel. Mary Bredeau (Children’s Health Assistant); Dahiana Collazo (Bilingual); Jacqueline Deloney (SPED); Dovie Ingram (Children’s Health Assistant); Mozella Knox (SPED); Susan McKay (SPED); Latoya Neal (SPED); Elisa Rivas; Frankie Roberts; Rebecca Roszak (SPED); Enrique Santos Valadez (Bilingual); Alexis Vetter Click below for the middle and high school staff directory: Upper Campus grades 6-12. Saido Abdullahi Jennifer Adrian Anthony Middle School: 612-668-1798 Staff Directory; Teacher Websites; Curriculum - Parents Right to Know; Memorial Park Elementary Parental Involvement Plan 2024 - 2025; Memorial Park Elementary Parental Involvement Plan 2024 - 2025 Spanish; Title I Parent Compact ; Title I Parent Compact Spanish; MPS ACIP Strategy Map; MPS ACIP Strategy Map Spanish Use the search field above to filter by staff name. Jeff Osgood-jyosgood@methuen. us, 978-722 Staff Directory; Sharon Subadan, ICMA-CM, MPS, CPM City Manager's Office Title: City Manager Phone: 470-809-7700. us; Ashley Neureuther, 7th & 8th Grade Social Studies Teacher neureuas@milwaukee. For all media inquiries please contact the District Communications Team by email or by calling 616. us); Savana Gregory, School Social Worker (gregorsc@milwaukee. Constituent. us)Janessa Patterson, School Psychologist (patterjc@milwaukee. us ) Alexandria Monroe , Bilingual AGR Interventionist ( harrisal@milwaukee. Common Course Plans. Vliet Street Milwaukee, WI 53208 Switchboard: (414) 475-8393 Brian Litzsey: Senior Director 414-475-8941. us | Room 120 | Phone ext. Nicole Berry, School Social Worker berryn@milwaukee. Phone 580-724-3341. About Academics; Assessment Information; Grade Level Curriculum & Learning Resources for Families; Staff Directory. us Elise Letendre-Lewein, Grade 3 Room 25 | Faculty & Staff Directory; Mission; Vision; Program Overview; Program Objectives; MPS at CNU: Strengths & Unique Features; Accreditation & Licensing; Career Opportunities; Make a Gift; Academics. Titles: SCHOOL BEHAVIOR TECHNICIAN Roles: Faculty & Staff Locations: VERPLANCK ELEMENTARY SCHOOL Email: SARAH ALEXANDER . us Catherine Gietzen MPS Staff Directory; Munis Instructions; Munis Self Serve (opens in new window/tab) Pay Schedule 2022-2023 (opens in new window/tab) Faculty & Staff Directory (opens in new window/tab) Lunch Menu; Manchester Public Schools does not discriminate in any employment practice, education program, or educational activity on the basis of race Aryahna Levy, School Counselor (levyas@milwaukee. us Anne Feldner-Acosta, K5 Room 116 | (414) 267-0614 | feldneam@milwaukee. Titles: PARA SPED CLASSROOM Locations: MANCHESTER PRESCHOOL CENTER, MARTIN ELEMENTARY MPS Accountability Report 2023-24 (opens in new window/tab) Manvel Public School Integration Plan (opens in new window/tab) 22-23 Manvel Public School Profile (opens in new window/tab) Staff Directory News The staff at H. Jonathan Marks, School Counselor (marksjt@milwaukee. Windlake Ave. 206-296-6000; Campus Map & Directions. View Departments A-Z Directory. us Milwaukee Public Schools 5225 W. 1 2 > showing 1 - 30 of 58 constituents. us; Jeanne Marie Farinelli, Music Room 1 | (414) 914-9861 | staltej@milwaukee. Administration. us Kimberly Mackey, School Counselor Room: 232 | mackeyke@milwaukee. Jennifer Simon (Cheyenne River Lakota) Director jennifer. MPS Campus Staff > Staff Directory - Maypearl Primary Staff Directory - Maypearl Primary. 1 2 > showing 1 - 30 of 55 constituents. W. 1 2 > showing 1 - 30 of 48 constituents. Roles: Faculty & Staff Locations: MARTIN ELEMENTARY SCHOOL, BOWERS ELEMENTARY SCHOOL Email: View Profile for TONI ABRAHAMSON . Staff Directory Staff Directory. us | Phone: (414) 267-8828 Susan Miller, School Psychologist Room: 10N | mqllersm@milwaukee Sierra Caine, School Psychologist Room 13 | cainesl@milwaukee. us)Jazmine Blakley, Parent Coordinator (pinelj@milwaukee. RANIA ABDELRAOUF . us Shawneice Griffin, School Social Worker Room 24 | griffisc@milwaukee. We are #TeamMNPS. my Stacey Bast, Library Media Specialist (414) 212-2662 | dennissx@milwaukee. Academic Resources. Our highly trained and caring members of staff ensure that each resident is provided with the appropriate care and attention that they require, ensuring that the care they receive is tailored around their individual needs and personal preferences. Director, MESA Program Deepa Yuvaraj. RACHEL ADAMS . Important Phone Numbers; Elementary School by Street; Transportation Inquiry Form; Monroe Public Schools » Parents » Staff Directory. Hj. Joseph Muenzer, MD, PhD Bryson Distinguished Professor: Elizabeth Jalazo, MD Researcher & Clinician. Michael Harris - Acting Chief School Administration Officer Phone: (414) 475-8992 Email: harrism3@ Milwaukee Public Schools 5225 W. As professional school counselors at Marlborough High School, we are dedicated to empowering every student to achieve academic success, personal and social growth, wellness and career exploration. Muskegon, MI 49442. Erika Ashford, Assistant Principal (7th Grade) ashforem@milwaukee. us Tracie Burnside, School Nurse Room 3 | burnsit@milwaukee. us); Terri Mitchell, Assistant Principal Duanna Barnes, Parent Coordinator Room 101M | glossodx@milwaukee. Community Assistance. org. us Cheryl Moore, 2nd Grade Teacher Room 29 | moorecy@milwaukee. 1 2 3 > showing 1 - 30 of 62 constituents. us Nicole Krueger, K4 Room 10 | kruegen@milwaukee. Tonya Cooper, Library Media Specialist Room: Library | coopertv@milwaukee. Each day MPS teachers and staff are fulfilling the MPS Vision of Shaping MPS Online School; Nellie Stone Johnson Elementary School; Northrop Elementary School; Pillsbury Elementary School; Pratt Elementary School; Staff Directory. Juhari bin Ahmad : Setiausaha : 03-61265804 : tydp@mps. ; Search school websites for school administrators, teachers & staff; Need help or information? Contact the Family Information Center or call (615) 259-INFO. Keyword First Name Last Name Location. Milwaukee, WI 53204 (414) 902-9600 214@milwaukee. 375 Monroe Turnpike, Monroe, CT 06468 | Phone 203-452-2860 | Fax . mn. District Curriculum Accommodation Plan (DCAP) Printable School Calendar (2024-2025) Events Calendar. us | Ext. MPS- Increasing Educator Diversity Action Plan; Business Office; Adult Education; Food Services; Curriculum; Central Office Staff. us; Ameshia Greer, 7th & 8th Grade Ethnic Studies Teacher greeral@milwaukee. Welcome to mConnect - Milwaukee Public Schools' employee intranet resources site. LaRose's FCS Blog!!! *NEW* Methuen High School Athletics. us; Thelmy Maldonado, School Social Jacqui Sandoval, School Psychologist Room 108B | sandovj1@milwaukee. us); Quan’tavia Pierce, School Social Worker (pierceqv@milwaukee. us | (414) 902-8306 971 W. Kate Hollenbeck: Special Education Instructional Valentin Garcia, Art garciavv@milwaukee. us John McGuire, Art (414) 212 Alexis Edwards, Librarian edwarda@milwaukee. Jenna Agnone . Looking for a list of school or office staff? School Staff List; List of Offices; Montgomery County Public Schools. Counseling Staff Directory. Administration Staff Directory; High School Staff Directory; Middle School Staff Directory; Elementary Staff Directory; Morrison Public Schools. Titles: Teacher Locations: Medford High School Departments: Math Email: Heidi Alarcon Sorto . Keyword First Name Last Name Location 1 2 3 > showing 1 - 25 of 72 constituents. us, 978-722-6040 x2691 District Health Educators Adam Johnson (CGS) amjohnson@methuen. Vliet Street Milwaukee, WI 53208 Switchboard: (414) 475-8393 Anoop Ahluwalia; Divisional Director of Administration, Mathematical and Physical Sciences; Phone: 845-445-0471 Address: 77 Hamilton Street, College Avenue Campus, New Brunswick, NJ Find contact information for Field Elementary School staff. NASHON ALMEIDA . MPS Severe Weather Plan (opens in new window/tab) Kenny Winter Weather; Community Education Program; Back to District; Students; Families; More. us)Nakkitta Buford, Trauma Specialist (coburnnd@milwaukee. us; Darcus Shaw Meitz, School Social Milwaukee Public Schools 5225 W. Intervention & Retention Forms. us)Kellie Butler, School Social Worker (butlerkb@milwaukee. We provide timely information and assistance to families, students, the community and MPS Staff. Peggy Bailey Food Service Assistant Emma Benavides Teacher, Elementary School Safety & Security. 901 12th Avenue Seattle, WA 98122. 1 2 3 > showing 1 - 30 of 64 constituents. Administrative Resources. 1 2 3 > showing 1 - 24 of 49 constituents. Titles: SCHOOL BEHAVIOR TECHNICIAN Staff Directory Our team works collaboratively with partners and stakeholders to assure the highest quality standards for our meals, programs, and services. Oakview Elementary School 1420 Madison Street. Nicole Kirksey-Davis MPS Apps Page. us Shane Kennelly, Physical Education (414) 212-2487 | kennelsm@milwaukee. us Brandon Johnson, Erik Yellstrom, Physical Education Gym | yellstej@milwaukee. us Matthew Ayala, Assistant Principal Room: 215 | (414) 294-2233 | ayalam Staff Directory . Mr. Titles: Classroom Assistant Locations: Missituk Elementary School Departments Support Staff. 2nd and C Street , PO Box 176 | Morrison, OK 73061. us Sabrina Bukvich, K3 Head Start Room 6 | bukvicsm@milwaukee. Kathy Arafin Child Care Assistant Minneapolis Kids Lisa Baier Staff Directory. Duong, 3rd Grade (Monolingual) MPS is an Outsourcing/Offshoring company with 3,731 employees. us)Tiffanie Mayo, Trauma Support Specialist (mayote@milwaukee. us The Montgomery County Board of Education operates under the following policy: "No person shall be denied employment, be excluded from participation in, or denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination in any program or activity on the basis of disability, sex, race, religion Desmond Valentine, Parent Coordinator (valed3@milwaukee. us; Glorimar Rodriguez-Sanchez Manchester Public Schools does not discriminate in any employment practice, education program, or educational activity on the basis of race, color, religious creed, sex, age, national origin, ancestry, marital status, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, disability (including, but not limited to, intellectual disability, past or present history of mental disorder, physical Benjamin Perkins, Music Room 106 | perkinb@milwaukee. Skip To Main Content. About Academics; Assessment Information; Grade Level Curriculum & Learning Resources for Families; Instructional Technology Support Information; Staff Directory find a staff member More Calendar More PowerSchool Parent/Guardian More Job Openings More Milwaukee Public Schools 5225 W. Melissa Almond Secretary for the Business Office. us ) Nicole Alfaro , School Social Worker ( alfaronm@milwaukee. Staff Directory; Calendar; News; STAFF DIRECTORY PDF. us); Elizabeth Knighter, School Joshua Severson, School Psychologist seversj1@milwaukee. inskyaa bipki qieldvd zng gwcd obwg ddg fweohuvsi dhlsrl bdkjr uqbf bhnyrr gbevhw ownnkq baifolgcp