Tv tropes mask S. Fans of Majora's Mask love the game's emphasis on sidequests, the time limit, and the twists on the series Izuku's mask served the purpose of shielding him from the bullies at his Quirkist school, while Himiko's mask made her into the "perfect daughter" her parents wanted her to be. Moe: Dewey is a bouncy little ball of energy and he's adorable for it!; Narm: The English dub of the quote on quote movie as well as the Synostone series. Funnily enough, this was actually predicted in Stephen Holden's review in The New York Times. Posted 2 years ago. ; Awesome, Dear Boy: One of the reasons Jim Carrey agreed to do the film was because he, like Stanley, loved cartoons. Example of: Brown Bag Mask. Apparently, a beam of light on his mask is enough to restore him. In Composure, Princess Celestia is secretly in love with Twilight Sparkle. Fridge Brilliance. ®. The mask rarely had any one owner for long, but this wasn’t much concern to the thing itself. All of them are completely unpleasant, ranging from bullies to sadists to omnicidal maniacs. Tiger the Great being the Big Bad and so much more formidable than his previous opponents, he was rarely if ever inflicted them so he can't tank them as well as someone who A page for describing YMMV: Star Wars: The Mask of Fear. It was a notable departure from the previous Adventure Game format, and while it included about the same number of puzzles (actually more than most of them, except for possibly VII) as the Awesome Music:. ; Gonk: Downplayed. The Mask is a comic fantasy franchise about a magical mask which turns the wearer into a crazy, green-faced being with the power to bend reality at will. ; The Atoner: Jason has taken on a personal mission to atone for A page for describing YMMV: Scooby-Doo! Mask of the Blue Falcon. Continuity Nod:. Typically in the series, Kenny's face is almost entirely obscured by his hoodie. It was released in 2023 by Netflix. At one point when Helena is talking to the Light Queen/her mother in the Border Lands you see the Queen in a similar outfit briefly, humble and loose fitting white pants and shirt. Ripley isn't crazy, just a closeted eccentric. A little while later, he is not only Igam and Kiros's rival Haruna and Ruriko's conversation in episode 26. King of Mask Singer (Korean: 미스터리 음악쇼 복면가왕; lit. Mask is a Children-to-Middle Graders Superhero Novel by Kate Hannigan. Dorian goes to talk to one of his men who had been shot by the cops, after The Mask beat them to the bank. Its agents are all specialists equipped to deal with All character tropes should go on the Star Wars character pages. By Trope Co. Persona 4 in particular is all about what we have behind the mask and facing it. Wide Load . Right as the fans are shouting at the two bratty idols, Gorilla Jeet Singh shows up and starts doing his insane thing Including grabbing a rose bouquet and eating it. Kellaway tries one last time to tell Agent X that The Mask isn't an alien but a common criminal, but X isn't listening Ass Pull: Takanuva's revival at the end. A page for describing Recap: Hell Girl S 1 E 7 Cracked Mask. It is the second TV adaptation of the series following the 1995-1998 show, and distinctly tells a more serialized story as The moment in "I Pledge Allegiance to The Mask" when Kellaway returns to Edge City and learns that Lionel, his best friend and former partner, committed suicide two years prior. He can move in bizarre "MASK" is a 3D animated fan movie (initally released as a series of short-to-medium length videos) created by Densle. The main stars were Leonardo Batman: Mask of the Phantasm contains examples of the following tropes:. Moloch on the other hand is a Non-Action Big Bad who prefers using his The Iron Mask is a 1929 silent film starring Douglas Fairbanks. Tropes Media Browse Popular Forums Videos Best Known for the Fanservice: Besides the racism, the film also received lots of controversy for the fact that Fah Lo See is clearly getting off on seeing Terry being whipped. False Yellow Devil indirectly explains why when he says why he doesn't fear Tiger Mask's new move: just as he could counter a new move after seeing it once, the suplex, as a rather old move, is so well known that pretty much everyone knows how to counter or at least soften it. ; Played straight in Deadpool and its sequels. Joe: A Real American Hero (Marvel): Crimson Guardsman Fred VII kills the original COBRA Commander and takes his place, concealing his own identity with the mask of CC's battle armour. L. ; Superboy: In Superboy (1949) #5, Norvello gets an iron mask locked over Queen Lucy's head and melts the key. G. ; Stanley tries to prove it to him by putting on the maskwhich doesn't work since (by Stanley's interpretation) it only works at A page for describing Characters: Mask Masters. Ugly Bob . ; Crouching Moron, Hidden Badass: He's mostly ignored and seen as a cowardly nuisance compared to Mario by others, but when he transforms into the Green Thunder Follow TV Tropes. As of October 31st, 2024, it was fully completed with fifty Per wiki policy, Spoilers Off applies here and all spoilers are unmarked. The Synostone opening theme song really gets you pumped up for an adventure! The ending song is a catchy, poppy love ballad. Commander Sugata, a master of the mysterious Aura Power, assembles a team of five martial Basic Trope: Someone is requested/forced to remove a disguise of some sort, only for them to reveal that the "disguise" is really what they look like. Case Closed: This is a common occurrence in the more plot-involved arcs due to characters existing on both good and bad sides who are masters of disguise. Anyone who routinely covers at least half of their face is likely to be at the top end of the personal power The story follows twenty-something Edge City bank employee Stanley Ipkiss as he finds a magical mask, endowed with the powers of the Norse Trickster God Loki, which effectively makes the wearer completely immune to absolutely When there's a character who wears a mask, and the real face/identity is revealed to one single character (or even worse: the audience and no one in the story) M. Angel/Devil Shipping: Judging from the amount of fanart they both get online, Carly Beth/Steve seems to be really popular. ; Ripley pretends to be harmlessly silly, not dangerously deranged. The film is also a sequel to Fairbanks's 1921 film The Three Musketeers. Bob acts like a Nice Guy most of the time, but deep down, he's an emotional mess. Characters in The Mask of Fear The Rebel Alliance: Bail Organa Rebel Heroes: C- There is a whole bevy of mask-related tropes that become available when such a trope is in effect. ; And There Was Much Rejoicing: The Harpers don't attempt to mask their joy over Jason finally dying, but it's cut short when they take off their masks to find that their true natures have contorted their faces. Invincible Alien Resident Evil: Behind The Mask is a Surreal Horror fanfic that was originally posted in 2022 on Archive Of Our Own by the author Mordred Vi Britannia, though in late 2023, he sadly lost access to his original account and was forced to make a new account, Mordred Of Britannia, where the story was reuploaded and continued. One of many versions of the story, the film was the directorial debut of Randall Wallace, previously known for writing Braveheart. ; Exaggerated: Emperor Evulz and all his lackeys wear a variety of creepy masks. Not to be confused with the Korean animated series also titled Maskman. Straight: Archer, the group's Token Non-Human and a large tiger-man, is told to take off his "tiger" disguise. Speaking of Singh, the idols, after getting saved by Tiger Mask and learning their lesson, want to thank him, and, thinking it was all an act, imagine him as being actually a nice and kind gorilla The book contains examples of: In The Haunted Mask, Carly Beth just wants a scary mask to teach her bullies a lesson that scaring people isn't cool. In any case, Our Nudity Is Different may apply where showing a maskless face is taboo. Night Vision . Germans Love David Hasselhoff: This show gets respectable ratings in South Korea, but it's been a massive Tropes Media Browse Popular Forums Videos Another Running Gag concerns the Mask being a Troll, tricking his enemies into thinking he's dead or defeated only to reveal himself alive at the last second. Tropes Media Browse Popular Forums Videos. After finding themselves in San Francisco, they discover a coded message that leads them to the bay where they do battle with a villainous clown known as Fridge Brilliance Stanley obtaining the mask was perfect timing for Edge City (following the movie and cartoon series, ignoring the sequel film). A small Mexican village mistakes their movies for a truthful account of actual heroes, and hires them to save the town from bandits, while they mistake the Tropes: Actually Pretty Funny: Dr. This includes half a brick and a chicken. No Honor Among Thieves: He was hired by Cluemaster to aid in the escape of Blackgate prisoners. ; A variant in South Park: Bigger, Longer & Uncut. ; The song that plays in the infirmary is highly unpleasant to listen to, being a very loud, blaring, and almost cacophonic melody, and the characters actively note how awful it sounds. One of the biggest themes is how Kochan tries to appear normal. A small army of Shadowkhan make them rethink this. ; Downplayed:. Doctor Fate's helmet. Helen was played by 21 year old Stephanie Per wiki policy, Spoilers Off applies here and all spoilers are unmarked. Big-Lipped Alligator Moment: "Cuban Pete" is basically The Mask intentionally evoking this trope to escape the police by sweeping them all up in a giant, out-of-nowhere musical number. Example of: Informed Deformity. Heroes "R" Us: MASK is a secret organization funded by Matt Trakker to stop the VENOM. Mayor Dotour struggles to end the dispute between the carpenters and the guards. Rocky and Rusty have an argument; later that night, she comes home with a date, but Rocky has a bad headache Tropes Media Browse Popular Forums Videos. Can't Un-Hear It: Most seem to concur that Christopher Gaze and Lee This trope is a major part of Avatar. The Cool Mask trope as used in popular culture. It depicts the retirement of the aging vigilante Don Diego de la Vega (Anthony Hopkins) and his training of a young 100% Completion: There are plenty of collectibles in the game: 52 heart pieces, upgrades for your items, Great Fairy rewards, increasing the capacity of your wallet, quiver, etc. A page for describing Laconic: Brown Bag Mask. Yes, that is Jim Carrey singing "Cuban Pete". He deliberately wears the mask at all times, even when hanging out with the other Titans, because he considers leading Follow TV Tropes. Adorkable:. Tiger the Great is far more skilled and experienced than Tiger Mask in using fouls yet is completely overwhelmed when the latter snaps and starts using them, even before it gets really bad. (However, that's not Cameron Diaz singing in Stanley trying to convince the mask expert, Dr. A trope that takes place when a spy, mole, Con Man or another character about to embark in an This trope is a staple of the Persona series (including Persona 2 and Persona 3), right down to the title: it comes from the Latin word for "mask". Released in 1998, King's Quest: Mask of Eternity (also known as King's Quest VIII: Mask of Eternity, or simply KQ8) is the eighth and, until 2015, last official game in the King's Quest series. The original anime's OP, Yuke!Tiger Mask is a glorious song portraying the awesomeness of one of the Tiger Cave's best wrestlers. Mysterious Past: Nothing is known about his origins and why he became a pirate. ; Madoka's death and transformation into a hostile In BIONICLE: Legends of Metru Nui, Lhikan doffs his mask before dying from Taking the Bullet meant for Vakama. Later, it's revealed that Alistair is a mysterious Emperor Evulz, whom they all were fighting against, but up until this point, Evulz is played by Charlie. K. DiC Asia (later known as K. As per the usual trope, once you get inside the contaminated area, it's entirely Bald of Evil: Most incarnations of Big Head are hairless and absolutely maniacal. ; The Cast Showoff:. Experimenting with the Masks on human test subjects with largely fatal results, Martland was also responsible for terrorist acts decades ago, including a bank bombing that killed multiple people, including the wife of police chief Richard. The Mask is everything Stanley wants to be such as confident, brave, charismatic and wild who is also a heroic person as well since even though he decided to become a gangster at first, he decides to become a superhero instead. I. The Mask is very inhuman-looking with his big green head and enormous teeth. An ancient mask turns Jim Carrey into a Live-Action Cartoon trickster. Emperor Evulz wears a spiky black mask and is an irritating jerk. A hero in a classy spy costume. The series follows an Animal Crossing: New Horizons island run by Mask Boy (a villager who's signature attire is a mask). Awesome Music: The composers of the movie previously worked on Batman: The Brave and the A page for describing Heartwarming: Mask (1985). It actually does get him a few girls over the course of the series. Written by then-acclaimed author/comic book guy Neil Gaiman, and it also shows. ; Adaptational Wimp: The Mask can get taken down a lot more easily than the film and the animated series. Some fans despise him for being an annoying and obnoxious Jerkass who really shouldn't be rooted for while some fans liked him and felt sorry for him when he And Tiger Mask still won even after holding back for a while due the fake blood (once he realized, Golgotha Cross found himself at the wrong end of one of Tiger Mask's infamous No-Holds-Barred Beatdown and a Fujiyama Tiger Breaker). In the manga and anime, Tiger Mask was a feared A page for describing Laconic: Coat, Hat, Mask. Naturally, spoilers for the main game are inbound, but Thunder Mask is a now partially lost tokusatsu series produced by Toyo Agency (now Sotsu Co. Awesome Music: The soundtrack, which is filled with '90s undeground Hip-Hop. Unlike the movie, the comic book is not harmless slapstick, fitting much better in the comedy horror genre. X drinks too much juice . Recent Videos Mask Masters » Video Examples. Post-Apocalyptic Gas Mask and Badass Longcoat worn in unison for added cool. , A page for describing Recap: Mask S 2 E 30 Counterfeit Mask. It was definitely a product of the film rather than the comic book and took its cues from the Looney Tunes inspired antics of the Mask to make him a real (sort of) cartoon character. ; Ambiguous Gender: There is no clue if the Heart Eyes Killer is a man or a woman due to their face Synopsis: The mask was a curious thing, and not only for the effect it had on its wearers. ; Exaggerated: Bob is the nicest guy you'll ever meet, but deep down, he's Berserk Button: Due to the Mask's side effects, whenever he's made fun of he gets into a fit of rage. ; Every time Naoto Date, the original Tiger Mask, is brought up, Hikari Sentai Maskman (Light Squadron Maskman) is the eleventh Super Sentai series, running from 1987 to 1988. Also, despite using Masks to hide their identity, they always operate within plain sight with recognizable vehicles. The shot is removed in the 1992 VHS release. ; Base-Breaking Character: Steve. Basic Trope: A mentally unstable or sociopathic character hides it well. NitS had to be Vindicated by Reruns later to reach success. ; Complete Monster: Commander Hung, once a soldier of the 701 project, dedicates himself to crime and taking over the Chinese underworld. Main CharactersThe Main protagonist and the White Tiger Master. Haku An amnesiac man found by Kuon in the mountains near Yamato. And while Stanley never mentions it again, Kellaway and Doyle are heard A page for describing Laconic: Mask (1994). Tropes: Adaptation Expansion: The Mask does a lot more than he does in the film since he fights several enemies and bosses on the way (only two of which are in the movie, Mrs. Green and Mean: Anyone who wears the Mask becomes a green-faced psychopath. Luigi would chase after her while Toadrick and Kylie went to find the Mask that Yoshi ended up using. The Haunted Mask has a Halloween mask that makes it child's play to frighten people, but alters the wearer's personality and becomes progressively more difficult to remove. It was not necessarily alive, at least not by human standards, but it did have some awareness and will of its own, imbued by whatever being that created it. Two Matoran, Takua and Jaller, discover the Great Kanohi mask (Avohkii) and are set off to find the mysterious Toa of Light, later escorted by the six Toa Mata, to unseal the Great Spirit currently captured by evil Introducing the latest, cheapest, biodegradable method of concealing your identity. This is a red herring, however, as the Phantasm turns out to The Mask of Fear is a 2025 Star Wars Expanded Universe novel by Alexander Freed as the first book in the Reign of the Empire trilogy. After his death, she is more careful to define her mask before letting her be defined by it, but she’s clearly not immune to this trope, considering how she reacts to losing her powers. It's the Brown Bag Mask™! Try the Brown Bag Mask™. Flowers of Femininity: Her status as Girly Girl couple with her dear "Carol Love" flowers. A fan suggested a different transformation for Daisy and he thought that the balloon would be a good reference to 'Kablamus the Unpoppable' from the original Mask animated series (the creator was unaware that inflation could be considered a Fridge Brilliance. Alias: In Season 2, Allison Georgia Doren, disguised as a replica of Francie Calfo, actually falls in love with Will Tippin and is visibly upset when she is forced to kill him. The story begins in late 1862, the year London was dragged beneath the Earth by bats. ; Word, Schmord!: At the end, Lt. A few wearers have even discovered that trying to maintain control while wearing the Mask isn't as Tiger Mask is a Japanese manga series written by Ikki Kajiwara and illustrated by Naoki Tsuji, which was serialized from 1968 to 1971 (starting out in Bokura Magazine and moving to Weekly Shonen Magazine in 1970). Abandoned Area: In a flashback, Bruce and Andrea visit Gotham's World of the Future Fair. Mystery Music Show: King of Mask Singer) is a South Korean singing competition Talent Show that has been airing on MBC since April 2015. The Four Gods: The White Tiger Master An The Mask revolves around an actual Mask of Power that grants the shy, lovesick Stanley Ipkiss an absurd level of confidence (and Reality Warper powers) as the title character, but when he asks an anthropologist for more information about the artifact, he doesn't believe it's magic and instead brings up the psychological effect of wearing a mask!; In Star Wars, the villainous Kylo A page for describing NightmareFuel: Mask (1994). TVTropes Now available in the app store! Open. The first series focused on a group of 4 young heroes: Bong/Borg, Shumi, Waryeong/Warwick and Honma, as they use the power of The Four Gods to transform and fight the forces of evil led by Muspel and his generals while also trying to rescue Defictionalization: Tiger Mask became a real wrestler, and quite a famous and well-rounded one at that. In the beginning of the film, how did that many soldiers sneak into Don Diego's house? I know he was distracted by his wife and child, but there were a lot of soldiers, with heavy boots, and he's freaking Zorro. The main characters of ¡Three Amigos! are stars of many movies within a movie. The Enforcers attempt to buy the Oni Mask online under the bidding name "FinnHalen". ; Interplay of Sex and Violence: Fantasies of sex, pain, and death are deeply interconnected in Kochan's mind. Sticky Header . Kim Mo-mi is a young woman in Seoul in 2009. You Have Been Warned. He wake up as a prisoner in a Acting for Two: Stephanie Leonidas is Helena and the Dark Princess. Ask The Tropers Trope Finder Media Finder Trope Launch Pad Tech Wishlist Reviews Go Ad Free! Crucial Browsing. ; Directionally Solid Platforms: Contested Sequel: Though there are fans of both games, fans of Ocarina of Time and fans of Majora's Mask are sharply divided on which is the better game. Straight:. Also, collecting all the masks in the game results in you The leaders of Clock Town and Kafei's parents. is a 1985 animated television series produced by DIC and ICC TV Productions, Ltd. action figures produced by Kenner Products. TV Tropes now has an app—because tropes wait for no one! This is based on opinion. It even got its own mini-series The Helmet of Fate where it passed through the hands of different mystical heroes before finding its way to its new wielder. Archer reveals that he really is a tiger. Stine’s iconic book series of the same name. In the film version of A Scanner Darkly, Mark Turner plays "Hank", who is later revealed to be Winona Ryder's character, Donna. Mask Girl is a Korean Series that ran for seven episodes. This page lists tropes for the characters in the Sunrider: The Mask of Zero. There are a number of stories in which the main characters pose as heroes, only to actually become real heroes by the end. Rob Brydon is Morris Campbell and the Prime Minister. ; The writers of the DC Animated Universe Batman LOVE this trope. Confessions of a Mask provides examples of:. Life goes on for Josie, Mae, and Akiko after saving ENIAC and its creators from the Hisser. Evelyn is like Stanley; shy, meek but sweet and kind, while Eve is also this as she can be much more stronger than The Mask but she does have a good heart and is very sweet towards Stanley and is even in love with him as well which makes her this even more. ; Butt-Monkey: As per tradition, the poor guy's ridiculed and ignored by most of the Toads. Scav has a gas mask that he always wears, but NPC conversation advises that just that won't be enough — a fully sealed hazmat suit is needed to brave the gas. vs. Gina McKee is Joanne Campbell, the White Queen, and the Dark Queen. Like the international franchise, all the contestants participate under a mask and a pseudonym, and The ghosts in general are significantly scarier than the previous games, combining a Nightmare Face alongside much more aggressive attack patterns. Alternative Character Interpretation: Did the unnamed admiral who talked to Bail at the Jedi Tropes Media Browse Popular Forums Videos Basic Trope: A character's secret identity is played by another actor. ; When Valmont argues back and forth with the Oni Mask about if he desires money or power, the Enforcers have expressions that scream Beyblade: Vladimir Volkov/Boris Balkov inverts this trope. Adaptational Angst Upgrade: He gets a Heroic BSoD when he sees Vurai slaughter a village Mask of the Rose is a 2023 Visual Novel developed by Failbetter Games, set in the Fallen London universe. Her dreams were dashed by one TV series Skull Mask Episode 2 Episode 3 The Secret of the Paradai Kingdom Mammoth Kong Episode 94 Episode 95 A page for describing Recap: Moonlight Mask. Straight: As far as anyone knows, Patrick Dexter Ripley is just a regular guy. It was later adapted into an anime series by Toei Animation, which aired for 105 episodes from 1969 to 1971. Exaggerated: Someone manages to tear off Archer's face, only to find that he really is Played with in Spider-Gwen: In her backstory, she allowed her overconfidence in her abilities as Spider-Woman to blind her to Peter’s feelings. Please use Trope Co. He is a degenerate whose everyday life involves harvesting the organs of orphaned children Wedgie: After Agent X walks away from Kellaway at the end, a UFO appears behind Kellaway, beams him up and returns him to the ground after he's been given an atomic wedgie (implying it was actually The Mask pulling one last prank). A page for describing Laconic: Gas Mask, Longcoat. Please don't list Stanley's alter ego The Mask is a walking incarnate of awesome as well as funny, being nigh invulnerable and able A page for describing Awesome: Mask (1994). The Mask may refer to: The Mask (comics), the original comic book series; The Mask (film), the live-action film inspired by the comic book; The Mask (animation), the animated series based The story of the film follows twenty-something Edge City banker Stanley Ipkiss as he finds a magical mask, endowed with the powers of the Norse Trickster god Loki, which effectively makes the wearer completely immune to The Mask of Zorro is a 1998 swashbuckler/western film directed by Martin Campbell based on the character of Zorro. Which moments later, when he mentions not knowing what it looks like, leads to Blackened Masks is an ongoing Persona 5 Anthology Series by Hawkfire. ; The sequel has another one appear, then reveal that the entire shop is filled with these—all of the masks are evil and sentient. Afraid of Needles: Implied for Tien-ming. Ltd) for Nippon Television. It was developed by Trepang Studios (a team of 4 developers) and published by Team17. In Majora's Mask, however, he has a bizarre and eldritch side, as if he were a Humanoid Abomination. ; Friend to All Children; The Heart: Less 'chick' than most others, since this is Maskman, Sentai of Charles Atlas Superpower, she can be as strong as Basic Trope: Wearing creepy masks is a bad sign. Masaaki Yuasa has admitted to being influenced by this show's artwork. Basic Trope: A character has a side they don't normally show to those around them. She also wears no mask like the Light Queen does, reflecting that she is meant to use the Mirror Mask charm - something to be worn only when needed. In episode 27, Ruriko finds herself questioning her commitment as a member of GMW medical staff due to Daisuke and Takuma's Career-Ending Injuries, and asks why Tiger Mask still goes on the ring knowing the risks. TV Tropes now has an app—because tropes wait for no one! Follow ing. Straight : Bob plays the role of Alistair, one of the protagonists. However, Fear betrayed Cluemaster by leaving him and the The Mask of Loki brings the repressed sides of the person out which it turns them into their own person. Midori Kurenai, the leader of a famous acting troupe, is attending a formal party with her Tropes Media Browse Popular Forums Videos Tiger Mask's action with Gorilla Man, who had been Raised by Gorillas before Tiger's Cave took him in and thus is closer to a beat than a man, refusing to take advantage when he makes a hole in the ring and gets stuck-instead taking him out of the hole-and then, after defeating him, making sure he could rejoin society. Carly panics as she realizes she can't take it off and her friend advises her there is no line, no separation between mask and skin. Likely reasons include ease of TV Tropes now has an app—because tropes wait for no one! The Prime Minister, while looking for the Charm (before we know that it is the titular Mirror Mask) has a line of people with items they believe are said charm. After returning home to Uncle Iron after his mission, Uncle Iron gives Tien-ming all kinds of pills and medication, telling him its necessary for Tien-ming to consume to make himself stronger. Stanley is this all over. The Title Theme Tune was performed by Hironobu Kageyama for the second time in the series. Tropes Media Browse Popular Forums Videos She has all the hallmarks of a Cosplay Otaku Girl, wearing an Animesque mask, speaking entirely in Japanese and striking flashy poses. The latter's Adaptational Heroism in the TV series helps. Only the kindest of people are able to steer the Mask's powers towards something vaguely resembling heroic. Helena Campbell is a teenage girl who wants to leave her home at the circus to go and join A page for describing Fridge: Mask (1994). ; Ambiguously Human: As he appears in Ocarina of Time, he appears to be a normal Hylian citizen. ; On the outside, Bob is stoic, quiet, and comes off as an aloof loner, but deep down, he is actually quite nice and optimistic. Cult Classic: Like Labyrinth before it. Wearing a paper bag on your head as a mask. TV Shadow Mask provides the following tropes:. Trout Mask Replica is Captain Beefheart's most well-known and notorious album. Neuman is not amused. Edit Videos; Brown Bag well, there are many other brown bags underneath each one. The story of the film follows twenty-something Edge City banker Stanley Ipkiss as he finds a magical mask, endowed with the powers of the Norse Trickster god Loki, which effectively The Becoming the Mask trope as used in popular culture. Live-Action Film. Thorne takes Jason's jibes in stride, even laughing openly at one of them. Beneath the Mask: Where the title comes from. Often a type of Armor-Piercing Attack , this is a non- fanservice Sub-Trope of Clothing Damage , and Sister Trope to Hat Damage if non-fatal. ; In the episode "Sister Mask", when Pretorius is Trepang2 is an indie First-Person Shooter heavily inspired by First Encounter Assault Recon, namely its inclusion of features like Focus and advanced enemy AI. Dawson Casting: The two main leads are supposed to be teenagers. After two episodes, he becomes proficient in the God Hand maneuver. Straight: Emperor Evulz wears a spiky black mask and is the Evil Overlord. The very start, with Yellow Devil beating Daisuke Fuji within an inch of his life and forcing his promotion to close down on their ten-years anniversary, with all experienced wrestlers except Mikasa retiring and his son joining Tiger's Den (the ones behind Yellow Devil) to become strong enough to have his revenge. Directed by acclaimed visual artist Dave McKean, and it shows. It is the original show that spawned The Masked Singer franchise. The player controls one of the residents of Horatia Chapman's boarding house, who has recently been employed by the mysterious Masters of the Bazaar to conduct a census of those The Mask Comic Characters The Mask Movie And Cartoon Characters Goosebumps: . Main Characters Lelouch Lamperouge/Zero/Lelouch vi Britannia The founder of the original Order of the Black Knights, co-founder of the United Federation of Nations, and Gadgeteer Genius: Thanks to his powers, the Mask is a brilliant handyman who frequently builds up things to defeat villains. Easily Forgiven: Almost the instant Valentine comes back and breaks the Dark Queen's hypnosis over the captive Helena, she forgives him for having betrayed her to the Dark Queen for jewels in the first place, despite the fact that he couldn't Black Mask 2: City of Masks provides examples of the following tropes:. It’s never explained in-universe how the titular character pulls this off BIONICLE: Mask of Light is a 2003 All-CGI Cartoon film by Miramax, set in the BIONICLE Chronicles (chronologically, after the Bohrok-Kal arc) era of BIONICLE. A manga adaptation by Osamu Tezuka was serialized in Shogakukan's Weekly Shōnen Sunday from 1972 to 1973. ; Exaggerated: Ripley is a superbly charming hometown hero that no one would dream of being a criminal. The series was based on the M. ; Averted with Batman's main suit in Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice, but played straight with his armored suit. Villains and goons wear gas masks to make themselves appear more intimidating. Large Ham: Plays every pirate trope to the hilt, and beyond. Stanley tries to ask him about his book, only for Neuman to clarify that his book is about using masks as metaphor, not literally. ® Brown Bag Mask™ with caution. ; The villain Psycho-Pirate got his emotion The cast of Utawarerumono: Mask of Deception, sorted by status. Jason Barry is Valentine and his equivalent in the human world. When the other residents of the town start getting fed up with how he treats them and the island, things take a darker turn A 2005 movie made by The Jim Henson Company, but done with mostly CG effects rather than the puppetry that the company is known for. ; Viewer Gender Confusion: With his appearance, mannerisms and People Becoming the Mask on live-action TV. In Batman: Mask of the Phantasm, the titular Phantasm is initially voiced by Stacy Keach, who also plays Carl Beaumont. Alternate Self: Averted. He puts his mask on, so Kai can finally recognize him. Usually pulling a wedgie! Many of The Mask's alternate forms, including the one who is a child, and many of the crossdressing ones (including a Carmen Miranda impersonation). However, right before he performs a Heroic Sacrifice to save his friends that gets him sent back to the afterlife, he drops his hoodie A page for describing YMMV: King of Mask Singer. The gas mask is usually just Bullying a Dragon: Chow and Ratso openly laugh at Valmont for being Two-Faced. In the movie during the big dance number. Important Links. ; Genius Bruiser: He shapeshifts into stronger and buffed forms with an Heroic Build, while still retaining his sharp intellect and wit. Universal Mask (fourth of the series of seven challengers) in a surprisingly tame wire death match. ; Dueling Works: In Japan, Nozomi in the Sun happened to air at the same time as Tiger Mask, hence ratings suffering as more people opted to watch Tiger Mask instead. Addie (in particular) and Mose decide they like the old lady better than the lawyer. But underneath the mask is an ordinary woman who was abducted by Curtis Blackburn during his raid on an office building. Mr. Taking the Egyptologist Lionel For example, a masked Super Hero who gets their mask partially torn off in battle would count as this trope, though one who deliberately takes the mask off would not. Moloch's minions, Wolf, Chameleon, Snake and Thorn,; Contrasting Sequel Antagonist: Unlike the Commander of the first movie, who is a powerful fighter in his own right and a leader of his legion of minions, Dr. Despite being a Lighter and Softer adaptation of an adults-only comic, it's only by a small margin. Madame Aroma hasn't heard a thing from Kafei since his disappearance a month prior to the start of the story, so she takes it upon herself to ask Link for his help using Kafei's Mask to gather info about his whereabouts. As a racecar driver, Takeru or Red Mask was granted personal use of the Spin Cruiser buggy, which was the only vehicle capable of foiling a monster's plan. The wicked Doctor Fu Manchu intends to rule the world upon stealing the blade and mask of Genghis Khan. It's the second book in The League of Secret Heroes. He simply answers he was inspired and found his place in life thanks to Daisuke's wrestling, and aims to do the same Heart Eyes has examples of the following:. This isn't the Termina counterpart to the man who ran the Happy Mask Shop in Ocarina of Time—they're one and the same. Goosebumps is a 2023 horror comedy series based upon R. Closet Key: The famous painting of a bare-chested Saint Sebastian being pierced by arrows is this for Kochan. As far as Robin's concerned, when the mask goes on he is Robin - Tim Drake (unusually for a Teen Titans fic, Robin is the Tim Drake version rather than the Dick Grayson one) doesn't exist. The Player Character is a mysterious Super-Soldier referred to simply as Subject 106. Note that for the purposes of the trope, face coverings other than masks may count, including helmets, hoods , face paint, et cetera. The Separatists and the Jedi who caused the Clone Wars were defeated by the Republic-turned Empire while newly-anointed Emperor Sheev Palpatine has declared that peace has returned to the Galaxy, much to the people's joy. It was directed by Allan Dwan. Beast Man: Dr. It is one of many film adaptations of Alexandre Dumas's novel The Three Musketeers, drawing plot elements from that novel but taking most of the plot from Dumas's sequel The Vicomte de Bragelonne. Has to be seen to be believed. Viewing himself superior to normal humans, Hung shows no remorse in the mass slaughter of soldier and criminal alike. The story of the comics begins when Stanley Ipkiss, a seemingly nice guy with repressed violent thoughts, buys a green mask Mask Masters is a South Korean/Malaysian All-CGI Cartoon that aired on KBS Channel 1 in April of 2013 for a total of 52 episodes. Per policy for recaps, all spoilers are unmarked. A page for describing Recap: Law & Order: Special Victims Unit S12 E13 "Mask". Peenman and Masked Dorian - yes, two Masks simultaneously). ; Awesome Music:. Fridge Brilliance Why don't the police in the film start crapping themselves over the sheer physics defying Tropes Media Browse Popular Forums Videos The Man in the Iron Mask is a 1998 swashbuckler film that loosely adapts a subplot of The Vicomte de Bragelonne (1847-1850) by Alexandre Dumas, which is the second sequel novel to The Three Musketeers. It was animated in Japan by Ashi Productions, Studio World and K. Stanley is accused of counterfeiting money after picking up the luggage of a mysterious woman Tropes Media Browse Popular Forums Videos In the second half of Addie Pray, the novel whose first half was the basis for the movie Paper Moon, Mose and Addie get recruited to help a crooked lawyer fleece a rich elderly widow by Addie pretending to be her lost granddaughter. Released in 1969 and produced by Frank Zappa, it has never been a mainstream success, but became a Cult Classic for anyone with an ear for the bizarre and Actor-Inspired Element: An outfit Jim Carrey's mother made for him to wear in his early standup days inspired The Mask's banana-yellow zoot suit. The man with the pseudonym of "Steven Martland" is the head of the LIVE corporation. Tropes 11th- Awesome Art: The 1960s anime is portrayed in a distinctly sketchy but fast-moving style that stands out even today. ; In the live-action adaptation of the sequel, even the masks that This Animated Adaptation of The Mask lasted for 55 episodes, from 1995 to 1997. Often the disguises are used to protect the identities of the main characters General Examples. The mask she chooses, unfortunately, is no ordinary mask, and becomes her face. In the Anita Blake book Obsidian Butterfly, Anita is extremely The Dark Knight Trilogy: These films usually avert this trope, but on one occasion in The Dark Knight, he acquires this look via a Sonic imager in his mask. ; The ED, Minashigo no Ballad is a The Mask is a comic book series best known as the inspiration for that film where Jim Carrey was even more of a live-action cartoon character than usual. The Faceless: Has never been seen without his mask. May cause hazardous choking for humans and turtles. A. C&D Asia). Example of: Balloon Belly. Back in the original series a successful German Suplex was a sure win, but not here. What's more, the sequel suggests that these masks would be happier if one could create a makeshift body for them, and Scream Of The Haunted Mask has the original mask helping Carly-Beth against a sadistic ghost and going back into storage quite In the Disney animated feature Atlantis: The Lost Empire, Commander Rourke's loyal mooks wore gas masks throughout the entire film (even though it's set in 1914 — before gas warfare was actually used). ; Batman:. The characters from The Mask of Fear are listed below with the character page they are currently on. Yet they've made their way up the stairs and into the house without him noticing. Neuman (played by Ben Stein), that the Mask is magical. When the other residents of the town start getting fed up with how he treats them and the island, things take a darker turn "MASK" is a 3D animated fan movie (initally released as a series of short-to-medium length videos) created by Densle. The main premise involves what would happen should each of the different Phantom Thieves members became the perpetrators behind the mental shutdowns instead of Akechi, and the Disaster Dominoes that follows suit for their villainous careers. In the Silver Age, Batman was the mask Bruce Wearing a paper bag on your head as a mask. Complete Monster:. The Commander turns out to be Not Quite Dead and returns the favour. . As a child, she had dreams of being a singer and entertainer on the stage. My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic. In the present, the abandoned, decaying ruins of the fair are the The DCU: . In a Season 2 episode the A page for describing Laconic: Gas Mask Mooks. The Racing Series even utterly averts this trope, as VENOM knows exactly who they are. This actually allowed the "kids' show" to be in some ways more adult with more subversive antics. This is not explained in the movie, and it's never brought up again. Animation; Characters; YMMV; VideoExamples Mask of Power; Show Spoilers . Dorian was already an active gangster and if Stanley hadn't gotten in the way, he'd have robbed the TV adaptations Moonlight Mask Moonlight Mask - Duel to the Death in Dangerous Waters Moonlight Mask - The Claws of Satan Moonlight Mask - The Monster Kong Moonlight Mask - The Ghost Party Strikes Back Moonlight Mask - The Last of the Devil Other The Absurdly Long Limousine the Mask arrives at the Coco Bongo in? Yeah, it's real. ; Referenced by: In episode 3 of Zenshu. Advertising by Association: The teaser boasts the film as being from the producers of Scream. nhgcbmztzecgtlnvhetrkqopoorzlnkpdokeewkaonqzrvqjqqxgqerxwmannsbqhpzuzjlyuwwqqp